Special Guests

Machete-Wielding Man Attacks NY Hanukkah Party

A machete-wielding man attacked a Hanukkah party in a rabbi’s home in suburban New York City Saturday night, sending five Hasidic Jews to the hospital to be treated for stab wounds, according to CBS channel 2 reporter Tony Aiello. New York Governor Cuomo has directed his Hate Crimes Task Force to investigate the attack that left two in critical condition. This is no isolated incident. Anti-Semitism has been increasingly rearing its ugly head in a … Read more

California Ammo Check Fiasco a Warning for Washington Gun Owners, and Gun Owners Nationwide

Between July 1 and November, nearly one in every five ammunition purchases was rejected by the California Department of Justice, the figures show. An Op-Ed in the Sacramento Bee about the fiasco created by a background check requirement for ammunition purchases in California should serve as a warning for Washington State gun owners, and gun owners across the nation, who need to become activists as 2020 unfolds. Anti-gun activists across the country could create a similar mess … Read more

GUN CONTROL LEGISLATIVE BATTLES 2019 Year in Review and a look to 2020

Second Amendment Rights advocates fasten your seatbelts for a potentially wild and wooly right in 2020 as the gun-rights legislative battles in 2019 may be tame compared to what’s in store in 2020. Virginia, Washington and Oregon are the leading battleground states for gun rights, but they aren’t the only states where gun control battles threaten to heat up with the arrival of 2020. According to our guest this hour, the year-end murder data in … Read more

‘Civil War’ Brewing in Virginia as Gov. Ralph Northam Faces ‘Insurrection’ by Sheriffs REFUSING To Enforce Gun Confiscation!

Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin (D-4th District) suggests that gun-grabbing Governor Ralph Northam might call up the National Guard to enforce gun control laws passed in 2020 if the Virginia county commissions and sheriffs will not.  This courageous stand by pro-Constitution sheriffs and commissioners has, at least for now, caused Virginia Democrats to back down from their gun confiscation proposal, according to the Washington Free Beacon that credited the reversal to a statewide outpouring of opposition … Read more

Jersey City Shooting and the Rise of Anti-Semitism

Is anti-Semitism rearing its ugly head again? It seems that way, as it has now been discovered that the recent Jersey City shooting suspect had published anti-Semitic posts prior to the shooting.   Ordinarily, news of such an apparent hate crime at a kosher supermarket would shock people into speaking out against anti-Semitism. However, with congresswomen like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib spewing out periodic anti-Jewish vitriol, and an increasing number of national leaders calling for … Read more

U.S. Army bans Bible verses on private Dog Tags

The U.S. Army has punished and revoked a 20-year contract with a private vendor who stamps Bible verses on optionally-purchased privately-crafted dog-tag-simulated jewelry, because an anti-Christian complainer was offended. Available to interview on this topic is Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, who quotes Paul Jensen, the director of the Army Trademark Licensing Program as saying, “You are not authorized to put biblical verses on your Army products,” in a letter sent to Army contractor Kenny Vaughan in … Read more

Light Up Chanukah With A Fun Song

Guest: Award-winning songwriter, Karen Sokolof Javitch With Chanukah just around the corner, Karen Sokolof Javitch has brought out her song, “It’s Chanukah” to celebrate. The upbeat song is not only fun for kids to sing but it’s educational.  “Rhyming words with “Chanukah” was a real challenge but it was also “funikah!” Karen remarks. This song is on her CD:  “Let’s Celebrate Being Jewish!” Karen’s diverse creations also include CD’s about: exercising, celebrities, holidays, political figures, … Read more

8 Great Christmas presents for Caregivers to give to themselves

Peter Rosenberger, author of Hope for the Caregiver, offers these 8 great tips for caregivers to give to themselves for this holiday season and time of visiting family and friends.  1) Commit to seeing a doctor. More than 70% of caregivers don’t see a doctor 2) Commit to doing something that brings joy to your heart. It doesn’t have to be exotic: a good movie, watch a standup comedian, read a good book, paint, play … Read more

U.S. Military Bases Continue to be Gun-Free Zones

With 2 active shooters in one week: Why cannot soldiers carry guns on base to defend themselves against terrorists? ‘Terrorists are coming! ‘Turn-in your weapons and go immediately to the nearest gun-free zone!’ These words have never been spoken by any reasonable, fair-minded human. Two mass shootings at U.S. military installations in one week, including one in which the perpetrator was a foreign national, have prompted questions over firearm use on American bases. Friday’s shooting … Read more

Impeachment Double Standard

It seems that whenever President Trump does something wrong, real or imagined, his base still supports him. And conversely, regardless of what the President does right, be it record low unemployment, a booming economy or a sky-high stock market, his detractors stay united in their disapproval and disdain. Never has this been on display more than during the current Impeachment process. Pro-Trumpers say impeachment is a blatant attempt to reverse the results of the 2016 … Read more

Supreme Court Justices Hear Challenge of NYC Gun Control Law

In a case being closely watched by advocates on both sides of the gun issue, the U.S. Supreme Court Monday heard arguments challenging a New York City law that was actually changed earlier this year in an effort to derail the case, a move one national gun rights organization publicly derided. Spokesmen from the Second Amendment Foundation are available to discuss this topic (bios below).  “The only reason that change was made is because the Court accepted … Read more

Palestinians Enraged As Israel Greenlights New Jewish Neighborhood in Hotbed Hebron

In a controversial move sure to stoke the flames of tension in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett has given his approval for a new Jewish neighborhood in the old Arab marketplace in Hebron. The restoring of the marketplace to Israeli control has Palestinian authorities enraged, with senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat complaining that the new project is a result of “the U.S. decision to legitimize colonization”, referring to the … Read more

Chick-fil-A Foundation director donated to Hillary Clinton and Obama

No Wonder they caved-in and stopped supporting Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Salvation Army! Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt is available to discuss the seeming hypocrisy of Chick-fil-A professing to be a Christian organization by closing stores on Sunday, then dropping Christian and conservative causes, and caving in to the ‘woke’ progressive outrage mob. Recent news regarding the executive director’s politics might explain these recent decisions that have left many of Chick-fil-A’s most fervent supporters feeling … Read more

Trump’s Impeachment and Netanyahu’s Indictment: Tale of Two Witch Hunts?

In Washington and Jerusalem, the contrast and comparison is unavoidable. We see the convergence of the two investigations of Trump and Netanyahu, with guilty verdicts boldly predicted in advance by elite politicians of the left. We also hear the self-righteous condemnations of the alleged corruption, loudly proclaimed by the left-dominated media on both sides of the ocean. Is the similarity merely coincidental, or is it a case of two simultaneous witch hunts? Suggested Q&A: Are … Read more

JFK vs. Trump

A Tale of Two Presidencies The early 1960’s was a more innocent age.  John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the first media president and cultivated their relationships personally. President Trump is also a media President, albeit a polarizing one. Love him or hate him, you can’t ignore him. JFK used a charm offensive. Trump just is offensive—at least to most in mainstream media who tend to report more negatives than positives about our embattled leader. Joining us … Read more

Amid Coalition Gridlock, PM Netanyahu to be Indicted for Bribery: What’s Next for Israel?

Now that it’s official, that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon be tried for corruption charges including bribery, what is next for an Israel that has a gridlocked political system and may soon be facing the third round of elections in less than a year? Can Netanyahu continue to lead while under indictment, and if not him, then whom? Here to answer these and other questions, is David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh (in … Read more

MARIJUANA LIKELY TO BE LEGALIZED IN 50 STATES Unless Senate or Trump Block New Bill Passed 42 to 10 in Committee

The House Judiciary Committee just gave the go-ahead for a bill to go to the full House for a vote on legalizing marijuana in all 50 states. The only two things stopping fully legal pot is the Senate that is narrowly controlled by Republicans or a veto from President Trump. Discussing this topic in terms of health, moral, and practical application is Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, who voted NO on Pot Bills while a Colorado state representative. … Read more

ISRAEL FACES UNPRECEDENTED THIRD ELECTION IN ONE YEAR After Netanyahu and Gantz Fail to Form Governing Coalition

The results of the September 17, 2019 elections in Israel were a statistical tie, throwing the decision of who would be the new Prime Minister to Israel President Reuven Rivlin who gave first dibs to Benjamin Netanyahu. Try as he may, try as he might, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed. Next President Rivlin handed the mantle to Benny Gantz who also failed to form a government by the November 20 deadline. Now Israel faces the … Read more

Israel carries out ‘wide-scale strikes’ on Iranian forces in Syria

Intro:  As reported by the BBC, Israel says it has hit dozens of targets in Syria belonging to the government and allied Iranian forces. The Israeli military says the “wide-scale strikes” responded to rockets fired by an Iranian unit into Israel. Syria says two civilians died and that Syrian air defenses shot down most of the missiles over Damascus. Other reports say the death toll was higher. Local reports said loud explosions were heard in … Read more


The EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) weapon is a catastrophic war strategy, and it is rapidly becoming the preferred war strategy of some of our most radicalized enemies. MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) may not work, and many of our experts believe an EMP event is a looming event. Some believe that North Korea may already have an EMP weapon on board one of its two satellites.  Our government and military have already defended their critical infrastructures, … Read more

Trump Administration: Israeli Settlements Not Illegal

Intro: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in a ground-breaking announcement, has declared a sharp reversal of State Department policy, stating that Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) are not illegal. The long-standing State Department policy has long been a thorn in the US-Israel relationship and the announcement is already receiving praise in Israel. David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh (in Samaria), and author of the book “Trump and the Jews”, is calling this … Read more


Have you ever lost a pet, or had to put your pet to sleep?  Even though we try to tell ourselves that it is just an animal, a cat or a dog, there is still a tremendous sense of grief.   Now imagine that you accidentally killed your pet; the sense of loss is amplified.  That is precisely what a boy, Mark D. Bruce, felt at the age of 10, when tragedy struck during a backyard … Read more

Happy Birthday Song move over and make room for the Hap Hap Happy Thanksgiving Day song!

Intro:  How many Christmas songs can you sing by heart?  I bet you know a lot of them! Now, how about singing a song about Thanksgiving.  What?  You don’t know any? That’s because there are no memorable ones, until now. Karen Sokolof Javitch, an award-winning songwriter, former radio talk-show host, and creator of 4 musicals and 16 CD’s, is on a mission to change that.  She just released both a Thanksgiving ditty and a beautiful … Read more

The Colin Kaepernick debate is far greater than simply if he is ready to be back in the NFL

NFL is arguably the most dynamic, and athletically demanding sport in the world, period. NFL athletes are subjected to every physical, mental, emotional and social demands required to perform the activity effectively. So, Colin Kaepernick’s two-year hiatus from the NFL playing field, is sure to exact a significant toll from his sports future.  Analyzing what’s at stake and what is likely to happen next is sports authority Taylor Jones. Q&A: 1) Let’s start with JUST the physical … Read more

Mexico’s Soaring Murder Rate Proves Gun Control Is Deadly—not guns

According to most mainstream media outlets, the devastating massacre that left nine family members dead highlights the ‘grave problem’ of gun smuggling. Gun control advocates would have you believe the devastation in Mexico emphasizes the lethal role of U.S.-manufactured firearms in narco violence south of the border.  In truth, Mexico’s laws are among the world’s least permissive. And, in truth, most criminals don’t get weapons from the U.S. Just last month, the Wall Street Journal … Read more

Breaking: Israel Bombarded with 200 Rockets as Islamic Jihad Declares WAR!

Intro: Israel has been bombarded with 200 rockets from Islamic Jihad as they declared they are now at war with Israel. The barrage prompted Israel to close schools and workplaces in Tel Aviv.  The Jewish Press reported that the escalated attacks were in response to the targeted assassination of senior Islamic Jihad terrorist Baha Abu al-Ata. Providing insight on these developments is David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel and author of “Trump and the … Read more

Considering Ilhan Omar’s Comment: Does it Matter to Jewish Voters that Michael Bloomberg is Jewish?

Intro: After Congresswoman Ilhan Omar insinuated that businessman Leon Cooperman is only backing Michael Bloomberg because they are both Jewish, there was controversy over this latest seemingly anti-Semitic attack. But according to a former New Yorker and Israeli Mayor David Rubin, who is the author of the book, “Trump and the Jews”, Omar’s obsession with Jews is problematic, but it does hit on a question about whether Jews would or should support the former New … Read more

Celebrate Thanksgiving with the new Thanksgiving Song

Just in time for Thanksgiving, singer-songwriter Karen Sokolof Javitch has released her new song, Happy Thanksgiving Day. The song is short and sweet (15 seconds long), and Karen believes it can become just as popular as the Happy Birthday song. Karen’s diverse creations include songs about exercising, celebrities, holidays, political figures, babies, children, math, patriotism, love and family. Here today to talk about her music is Karen Sokolof Javitch. Suggested Interview Questions: What about Thanksgiving … Read more

New blood test can detect breast cancer 5 years before lumps appear

What if we could know that ourselves or our loved ones were at risk for one of the most devastating diseases of our time up to five years sooner? What there was a way to detect breast cancer five years before lumps ever appear? Researchers at the University of Nottingham say they are doing just that.  The test, which identifies the body’s immune response to proteins produced by cancer cells, could be available in four … Read more


Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve heard the horrific news of a large American Mormon family living in Mexico who were slaughtered by what appears to be a Mexican drug cartel. Reports of women raped were published by a London newspaper and so far 9 members of the family were murdered including 6 children.  Joining us to discuss who this outcome might have been different had the family been heavily armed and trained to … Read more

We’re Going to Israel

Karen Javitch has released her new song We’re Going to Israel, which encourages teens to take a trip to Israel. The upbeat song from one of Karen’s original shows features excited teens singing about going to Israel.    Karen’s diverse creations include songs about exercising, celebrities, holidays, political figures, babies, children, math, patriotism, love and family. You can find the song on her YouTube. https://youtu.be/PxCdVpYqMLk Here today to talk about her music is Karen Javitch. Questions … Read more

8-Month Pregnant Mom Shoots and Kills 2 Intruders, defending her Children

An 8-month pregnant mom from Florida used an AR-15 to shoot and kill two intruders to protect her children and home yet virtually no major news outlet carried the story  The use of an AR-15 for home defense is becoming more common but it’s the been so heavily branded as the ‘enemy’ by major news outlets and opportunistic politicians. Alan Gottlieb of The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said that … Read more

Ilhan Omar Rallies for Bernie in Jewish-Muslim ‘Unity’ But on Behalf of What?

Intro: In a rousing intro to candidate Bernie Sanders at a lively Minnesota rally, Rep. Ilan Omar (D-MN) touted their mutual credentials as fighters for “asylum-seekers” and “the working-class”. Despite Omar’s record as a hater of Israel and her numerous anti-Semitic statements, the Jewish-American Sanders seems happy to have her support, since they share the Socialist agenda. How can we explain this odd couple, and doesn’t Sanders care about anti-Semitism? Mayor David Rubin, of Shiloh … Read more


Dozens of Countries have the Technology and we have no defense. Intro: One of the most unsettling yet rarely discussed topics of our current age is the horrific danger posed by an Electro Magnetic Pulse or EMP. It could happen at any time from a solar flare or an EMP weapon detonated over the United States at high altitude. Overnight the United States of America could be sent back to the Stone Age. No lights, … Read more


Jerusalem Post article/ Oct. 31, 2019: https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Was-the-corner-of-Gods-altar-found-in-Shiloh-West-Bank-606477 The discovery, said Dr. Scott Stripling, is consistent with what he expected to find in the fields of the ancient city where the tabernacle for the Ark of the Covenant once stood. BY MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN OCTOBER 31, 2019 20:58 “When the news reached Joab, who had conspired with Adonijah though not with Absalom, he fled to the tent of the Lord and took hold of the horns of the … Read more

70% of Millennials Say they are likely to Vote Socialist!

Available to interview: Joe Sixpack, author of Socialism Sucks According to a poll by YouGov, 70% of Millennials say that they are likely to vote for a Socialist candidate! And 36% of Millennials polled said they are in support of Communism! Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, claims that this comes from a lack of educating the youth on these practices. Also, according to the poll, 27% of people from … Read more

70% of People Polled believe we on the Verge of the Next Civil War!

A majority of Americans believe political, racial, and class divisions are getting worse, according to the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service Battleground Civility Poll. In fact, approximately 7 in 10 voters believe the political divide has become so much that America could be at the “edge of a civil war.” According to results of the institute’s Battleground Poll, the political division is likely to make the upcoming 2020 presidential race the nastiest in modern history. … Read more

Netanyahu/Pompeo Meet on Syria/Iran

The Ceasefire Agreement between the Trump administration and Turkey has raised many questions and the Dems are pouncing on it as a harsh betrayal, not just of our ISIS fighting partner, the Kurds, but also of our strong and reliable ally, Israel. Do Israelis agree? As former mayor of Shiloh, Israel and author of “Trump and the Jews”, David Rubin has the answer to that question, as well as his sharp analysis of the situation … Read more

The US Economy Without Trump

Donald Trump: Love him or hate him, you can’t ignore him. While people on different sides of the aisle may disagree with his temperament or leadership style, there’s one area that is difficult to disagree on: The fact that the economy and employment have boomed under President Trump. Helping us analyze Trumpian Economics is our guest, Jack Hanney, CEO of Patriot Gold Group, who will help us paint a picture of the economy with and … Read more

The Sticky Side of Victimhood

Kim Casey Cobb Encourages Victims to Move Forward in her book “Stuck – A Way Out.” Victimhood culture is on the rise. Americans are falling into the trap of blaming others for their problems and our society encourages it. What does it take to overcome the hurts, tragedies, or the difficult circumstances in which we find ourselves? Just like the popular memoirs, “The Glass Castle” and “Uneducated,” author and businesswoman Kim Casey Cobb has her … Read more

German Synagogue Attack

A German man attempted to carry out an attack yesterday in Germany on a Synagogue. The assailant had 9 pounds of explosives in his car and planned a massacre. The attacker was unable to get into the Synagogue and ended up shooting two people. The attack happened on Yom Kippur, the most holy day in Judaism. The attack was preceded by shouts of ‘Allah Hu Akhbar’ (Allah is greater)” This comes after Angela Merkel had … Read more

Hillary Hints Rematch v. Trump as Dem Presidential candidate

Oozing with confidence, Hillary Rodham Clinton told the PBS News Hour she could “beat him again” if matched up against President Donald Trump in 2020, if leading Democrat candidates falter between now and the election. According to a Rasmussen survey, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are tied with 45% support each from likely U.S. voters,” with 11 percent remaining undecided. Sounds like not much has changed in 3 years, with the election 13 months away—an … Read more

Dick’s Sporting Goods destroys $5M of high-powered rifles rather than sell them

Gun Group urges stockholders to sue for loss of profits! Dick’s Sporting Goods has destroyed more than $5 million dollars worth of “assault-style” rifles, according to CEO Ed Stack who made the announcement in an interview with CBS News. He also said the changed stance on gun sales has cost the company $250 million.  He said the company turned the weapons into scrap metal. “If I were a shareholder in Dick’s I would sue their CEO for … Read more

4 Abortion Cases before the U.S. Supreme Court: Any one of them could overturn Roe v. Wade

The United States Constitution enshrined our rights as Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But does that right include pre-born American citizens? Thus, the argument: Is a pre-born child human or just a blob of tissue? Since the 1973 the landmark abortion case, Roe v Wade, there have been more than 50 MILLION abortions. Back in 1973, technology wasn’t nearly as advanced as it is today. Now, with 4-D ultrasounds, mothers and … Read more

Is AOC Right that Trump’s ‘Shifty Schiff’ Comment was Anti-Semitic?

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has launched a scathing attack on President Trump, calling the president’s criticism of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) “deliberate, targeted anti-Semitism” and evidence of “white supremacism”. This, after Trump labeled the Jewish chairman of the House Intelligence Committee ‘Shifty Schiff’, alluding to what Trump calls Schiff’s “dishonest, shifty” behavior in pushing forward the House impeachment inquiry. Does Trump’s criticism of impeachment honchos who happen to be Jewish, like Schiff and chairman of … Read more

More than 18 Million Americans Now Licensed to Carry

The number of Americans with a concealed carry license has risen to 18.66 million according to a new report from the Crime Prevention Research Center. This represents a 304% increase from 2007. The 18 Million translates to 7.3% of Americans who now have a concealed carry license. Alabama has the highest percent of active licenses at 26.5%, while Indiana is second with 17.9%. Here to discuss the increased license numbers is a representative from the … Read more

JUUL Sent warning letter from FDA for Illegally Marketing eCigs and Vaping products to Youth

The FDA sent a warning letter to JUUL Labs for claiming e-cigarettes are safer than paper cigarettes. JUUL has 15 days to respond.   This warning comes on the heels of a recent flurry of deadly lung illnesses thought to be associated with use of vaping products. John Scherer, a.k.a. The Video Professor, has warned against inhaled substances and is delighted that the federal government has finally taken seriously the health problems associated with vaping. The underage … Read more

Israel Election Results: Bibi and Beni Deadlocked

Both Willing to Make a Deal with Liberman to Win But Would it be a Government Without God? The results of the September 17 elections in Israel are a statistical tie. Both Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz are tied within the margin of error constituting a tie. Each leader is now looking to make a deal with minority vote-getting Avigdor Liberman to form a coalition government with the needed 61-Knesset seat minimum. Weighing in on the likely … Read more

Homelessness from Hurricanes and Other Natural – and Unnatural – Disasters

What would you do if a natural disaster rendered you homeless? Or rendered homeless by an economic setback or a significant relationship gone awry? Hurricane Dorian just rendered thousands homeless in the Bahamas. Its devastation has been compared to a nuclear bomb. But is losing a spouse or a family member or members any less emotionally debilitating? How does one rebuild after a natural or unnatural disaster?  Discussing this topic from her personal experience is … Read more

Supplemental Expert Guests

SUDDENLY HOMESCHOOLINGHomeschool Buyers Co-ophttps://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/ INSTACART HOME DELIVERY SERVICE:https://www.instacart.com/?irgwc=1 DYNAMICS OF EXTRA SPOUSE TIME AT HOME/ Mort Fertel, Interpersonal relationships experthttps://marriagemax.com/ CELEBRITIES WITH COVID-19 (discreet inquiries: rachel.specialguests@gmail.com) PRESIDENT TRUMP, White House Press Office, Kayleigh McEnany, Press secretary press@who.eop.gov Alexa Henning, White House Director of Broadcast Media Katherine.a.henning@who.eop.govhttps://www.whitehouse.gov/news/ VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE, Katie Waldman, press secretary Chief of  Staff, Marc Lottermarc.c.lotter@ovp.eop.gov 202-881-8685 FIRST LADY Melania Trump chief of staff Stephanie Grishamhttps://www.whitehouse.gov/people/melania-trump/ DR. TONY FAUCIhttps://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/director-in-the-news ANDREW CUOMOPress.Office@exec.ny.gov212-681-4640 PETER ROSENBERGER, CAREGIVER EXPERT IN ERA OF COVID-19:https://www.hopeforthecaregiver.com/speaker/ … Read more

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