Special Guests

70% of Millennials Say they are likely to Vote Socialist!

Available to interview: Joe Sixpack, author of Socialism Sucks According to a poll by YouGov, 70% of Millennials say that they are likely to vote for a Socialist candidate! And 36% of Millennials polled said they are in support of Communism! Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, claims that this comes from a lack of educating the youth on these practices. Also, according to the poll, 27% of people from … Read more

4 Abortion Cases before the U.S. Supreme Court: Any one of them could overturn Roe v. Wade

The United States Constitution enshrined our rights as Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But does that right include pre-born American citizens? Thus, the argument: Is a pre-born child human or just a blob of tissue? Since the 1973 the landmark abortion case, Roe v Wade, there have been more than 50 MILLION abortions. Back in 1973, technology wasn’t nearly as advanced as it is today. Now, with 4-D ultrasounds, mothers and … Read more

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