Special Guests

We’re Going to Israel

Karen Javitch has released her new song We’re Going to Israel, which encourages teens to take a trip to Israel.

The upbeat song from one of Karen’s original shows features excited teens singing about going to Israel.  

 Karen’s diverse creations include songs about exercising, celebrities, holidays, political figures, babies, children, math, patriotism, love and family.

You can find the song on her YouTube. https://youtu.be/PxCdVpYqMLk

Here today to talk about her music is Karen Javitch.


  1. Why did you want to make a song about teens going to Israel?
  1. Do you think everyone should make a trip to Israel at some point?
  1. What other music have you been working on?
  1. One of your songs on the mother who had octuplets went viral with about 10 million YouTube views. What are some of your most popular songs and music videos?
  1. Where may people find your music?

About Karen Sokolof Javitch:

Besides Karen’s 15 albums, she has co-written 4 musicals and was the creator and co-host of a popular Omaha radio show, “It’s the Beat.” Her musicals include “Princess Diana the Musical,” “From Generation to Generation,” and “Love at the Café.”  These shows have been performed in many cities in the United States. In addition, Ms. Javitch has raised over $350,000 for national and local charities with her original music.  

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