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MARIJUANA LIKELY TO BE LEGALIZED IN 50 STATES Unless Senate or Trump Block New Bill Passed 42 to 10 in Committee

The House Judiciary Committee just gave the go-ahead for a bill to go to the full House for a vote on legalizing marijuana in all 50 states. The only two things stopping fully legal pot is the Senate that is narrowly controlled by Republicans or a veto from President Trump.

Discussing this topic in terms of health, moral, and practical application is Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, who voted NO on Pot Bills while a Colorado state representative.  


  1. Who was behind this landmark pro-Marijuana vote?

Answer: Congressman Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat from New York, who chairs the committee and was able to get 50 co-sponsors for the bill.

  1. What makes this bill likely to pass the House?

Answer: As we know the House is controlled by Democrats, mostly liberal, and pro-pot. And with that many co-sponsors and other supporters, it’s virtually guaranteed to pass the House.

  1. Morally, what problems do you have with legalized marijuana?

Answer: While pure CBD without THC has healing properties, I’m against any substance that gets you drunk or high because the bible says to be sober and not to have an impaired mind in order to execute good judgement. Marijuana contains THC which causes errors in judgment, as well as killing ambition. Even supporters of pot understand the term apathy and how it is associated with long term marijuana use. Biblically we are supposed to be industrious, not lazy. And while it may sound trite, if anyone needs to get high, they should get high from intimate fellowship with their Creator. 

  1. What practical reasons do you have for opposing legalization of weed?

Answer: Let’s look at the law of unintended consequences. Since the legalization of marijuana in my home state of Colorado, there have been numerous reports of kids being hospitalized for eating marijuana cookies, candy, etc.

  1. Other than accidental ingestion, what is wrong with intentional use, especially if taken in moderation?

Answer: Marijuana is not just a gateway drug; it is a drug. Teenagers who use marijuana are risking hampering the normal process of healthy brain development. Studies show that teen brains are still in formation until age 26. 

  1. Where may we get more information on issues of our day from your moral perspective?

Answer: At http://PrayInJesusName.org

Reference article: House Judiciary Committee approves landmark marijuana legalization bill https://thehill.com/homenews/house/471306-house-judiciary-committee-approves-landmark-marijuana-legalization-bill

About Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt: 

Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt is a former Colorado State Representative, a U.S. Air Force Academy graduate in Political Science, and the man who made national headlines while as a Navy Chaplain for refusing to stop praying “in Jesus’ name,” leading to his being forced out of the U.S. Navy. An ordained Pentecostal minister, ‘Chaps’ earned his PhD in Theology from Regent University.

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