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70% of Millennials Say they are likely to Vote Socialist!

Available to interview: Joe Sixpack, author of Socialism Sucks

According to a poll by YouGov, 70% of Millennials say that they are likely to vote for a Socialist candidate! And 36% of Millennials polled said they are in support of Communism!

Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, claims that this comes from a lack of educating the youth on these practices.

Also, according to the poll, 27% of people from all generations believe that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to world peace. That’s 5% more than Kim Jong-Un’s 22%, and 12% more than Vladimir Putin!

Here to discuss these shocking numbers is the author of the book Socialism Sucks Your Money from Your Pocket, Joe Sixpack.


  1. Why do you think so many Millennials approve of Socialism?

Answer: They are so into social media that they wonder what’s wrong with being social? So, Socialism seems just fine to them. And why not get their ‘fair share’ of money from the ‘greedy capitalist’ fat cat pie as promised by Socialists and virtually every Democrat candidate fighting all over each other for who can best tax the rich? Never mind that such draconian taxation would kill incentive and that pie to divide would quickly dissipate. 

  1. What needs to happen in order to educate Millennials to the dangers of Socialism?

Answer: Parents and grandparents and you and I all need to teach our youth the dangers of trading a functional capitalist free market for a huge bureaucratic government controlled Socialist government. Don’t count on public schools teaching out youth. They already brainwashed our kids into thinking capitalism is evil and Socialism and Communism systems are terrific.

  1. What is your take on so many people believing Donald Trump is the biggest threat to world peace?

Answer: That is largely the mainstream news fakers pushing Socialist propaganda against the greedy capitalism Donald Trump. Never mind the fact that Trump declined to even take the Presidential salary for all that abuse. 

  1. What do you think Americans should do if they want to avoid having a Socialist in office?

Answer: Stop voting Democratic.

  1. Since Socialism and Communism is so wonderful, which Socialist or Communist country have Millennials been moving into? Argentina? Venezuela? North Korea? 

Answer: None of the above since the spoiled brat Socialist wannabes don’t want to leave the breadbasket of capitalism since Socialist nations are bankrupt and crime infested, often without justice and with prisons without amenities. 

  1. Tell us about your book, “Socialism Sucks Your Money from Your Pocket” and where we may get a copy of it.

Answer: Amazon.com and in bookstores nationally. 

Joe Sixpack is the author of the book Socialism Sucks Your Money from Your Pocket and publisher of the social media page Real Joe Sixpack at: http://facebook.com/realjoesixpack 

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