Special Guests

Gun Group Challenging Massachusetts’ Firearm Ban (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for the Gun Owners of America discusses the unfair ban being put on 18 to 20-year olds by the state. Even with President Donald Trump fighting for gun rights in the White House, some state legislators can’t help but continue to push for unfair bans against private gun owners. In this particular case, the state of Massachusetts has unconstitutional restrictions on 18 to 20-year old adults possessing, purchasing or carrying semiautomatic firearms and … Read more

Pam Bondi’s Affect On Gun Rights? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for Gun Owners of America discusses the Senate confirmation of the new Attorney General, and what affect she could possibly have on private gun owners. While many are praising Donald Trump for actions taken upon his return to the White House last month, there are some questioning particular actions. Such as, for instance, his selection of Pam Bondi as Attorney General. Bondi has begun taking action in many departments, particularly the ATF, asking for … Read more

Second Amendment Under Attack In Wyoming (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why gun owners should act now before their Second Amendment rights are violated. The Gun Owners of America have done a great deal of work in Wyoming to protect the rights of gun owners, including the passing of Wyoming Statute 9-14-203 – which threatens any state or local officials with fines and potential imprisonment for violating the Second Amendment rights of potential and current gun owners. … Read more

Is Colorado’s New Semi-Auto Gun Ban Going Too Far? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for the Gun Owners of America believes that Colorado legislators are taking things too far with a new Senate Bill. Colorado has always been known as a state to push for questionable boundaries against private gun owners. But its latest Senate Bill is going way too far. Anti-gun legislators have put together Senate Bill 25-003, which bans the manufacturing, distributing, transferring, selling or purchasing of semi-automatic rifles and shotguns that use detachable magazines. … Read more

Gun Owners of America Announce Return To 2025 SHOT Show In Las Vegas

Spokesman Stephen Willeford discusses the importance of the event, which he will be attending. The SHOT Show, the annual firearms industry trade show, is making its return to Las Vegas from January 21-24. With that, the Gun Owners of America have announced that they will have heavy presence at the event, with a number of guest speakers and signings. The GOA will provide a number of meet and greets with writers and speakers, including Stephen … Read more

Concealed Carry Reciprocity Making Progress In House and Senate

Gun Owners of America spokesman Stephen Willeford explains why this could be a big deal to Constitutional-Carry permit holders and gun owners. Some big moves were made in the House and Senate this past week that could benefit those that practice Constitutional-Carry – or Concealed Carry, as some call it. A new legislation was introduced in both chambers of Congress, which would grant national reciprocity to these holders, as well as to residents of states … Read more

SCOTUS Looking Further Into the Challenge On Maryland’s “Assault Weapons” Ban

A spokesman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms explains the importance of said challenge. The Supreme Court of the United States has recently distributed the case of Snope v. Brown, brought to their attention by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, as part of a challenge against Maryland’s ban on “assault weapons”. The case, which was previously granted certiorari back in June 2022, when … Read more

Maine Wants Its Unfair Gun Waiting Period To Remain Intact (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why the judge needs to let the challenge against the period continue on. Maine had put a 72-hour waiting period on gun sales into effect just over a year ago, but it has left a bad taste in the mouth of potential owners looking to protect themselves. As such, several gun groups, including the Gun Owners of Maine, have challenged with a lawsuit – and now … Read more

Discussing Gun Owners of America’s Accomplishments In 2024

Spokesman Stephen Willeford discusses the group’s major wins over the past twelve months – and what comes next. 2024 was a tough year when it came to the rights of those that want to bear arms, particularly with certain states trying to revoke said rights and the ATF invoking certain rules. However, the Gun Owners of America recently discussed the accomplishments made over the past year, especially when it comes to defending said rights. “The mission … Read more

What Will Happen With Gun Laws In 2025? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

Gun Owners of America spokesman Stephen Willeford discusses the state of gun laws in 2025, and if Trump’s re-entry into the White House will provide assistance. This year has certainly been a challenging one for many states when it comes to gun laws, as many attempted to introduce restrictions that went against everything that the Second Amendment stood for. But the real question is if 2025 will be any different. Some states are already taking … Read more

Could Wisconsin Soon Introduce a Red Flag Gun Control Law? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for Gun Owners of America encourages the state’s Republicans to hold strong against the new Governor. Wisconsin has been known as a state with strong support for private gun owners. But that could very well change in 2025. A new report suggests that, with a new Governor in office, Tony Evers, the state could very well see the introduction of a red flag gun control law.  “When the political dynamic shifts in the Legislature, we have … Read more

Germany’s Terror Attack Proves Gun Control Doesn’t Stop Murder

A spokesman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms discusses what we can learn from the unfortunate attack. A recent terror attack in a Magdeburg, Germany public market resulted in the deaths of five people and injury to more than 200 others. But as devastating as the event is, it also stands as proof that restrictive gun control hardly guarantees any level of public safety. This is according to the … Read more

Wyoming Senate Could Throw Second Amendment Rights Into Chaos

Gun Owners of America Stephen Willeford explains how Senator Ed Cooper’s new legislation could revoke the rights of thousands. The rights to own a firearm should provide equal protection to everyone, as stated by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. However, one Senator could throw all that out of the window in Wyoming. When the next Legislative Session takes place in mid-January, Senator Ed Cooper is set to introduce SF0037. It is a legislation that could undermine … Read more

The Second Amendment Foundation’s Fight Against California Information Gathering Continues

A spokesman for the group explains why it’s so important to fight back against the California Department of Justice’s dangerous outreach. The Second Amendment Foundation, alongside its partners, have been working on a lawsuit that challenges the California Department of Justice’s disclosure of personal information for third-party “research,” feeling it’s an absolute invasion of privacy. This week, they continued that push with a new memorandum of points and authorities, which support that earlier motion for … Read more

Will Anti-Gun Types Try To Use the Wisconsin Shooting To Their Advantage? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for Gun Owners of America discusses the harrowing event, and how it could be used for one last push towards limitations. The United States is still reeling from the tragic shooting that took place this past Monday at a private Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin. A 15-year old girl managed to kill a teacher and teen student, before injuring others and eventually taking her own life. While Madison police are still trying to … Read more

CCRKBA Questions Biden’s Reaction To Wisconsin School Strategy

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms believe the President used the incident to highlight his gun ban agenda. Monday’s tragic school shooting incident at a private Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin has left the nation shaken. President Joe Biden attempted to express his feelings towards what took place. However, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) believe he had a different agenda in mind. “With … Read more

The ATF Might Just Change for the Better Under Trump

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation believes that the re-elected President could make significant changes to the group. There’s no question that the ATF – the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives – has been a pain in the backside of private gun owners. Under direction from current President Joe Biden, the group has put together several laws that hinder the rights of said gun owners. However, as you’re likely aware, a change … Read more

Gallup Is Leaning Heavily On Gun Ownership Data That Just Doesn’t Add Up

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation discusses the findings of the popular polling service, and why it’s getting gun ownership wrong. Gallup’s poll service is trying to make people believe that gun ownership hasn’t changed much. But that isn’t the case. The site recently reported that gun ownership data has been the same over the last 60 years, with about 44 percent of Americans saying they have a gun in their home, but only … Read more

Gun Owners of America Are Working Alongside Returning President Donald Trump To Restore Second Amendment Freedoms

Spokesman Stephen Willeford explains the importance of gun rights as the newly re-elected President arrives this January. With President Donald Trump set to return to the White House next month, the Gun Owners of America are readying themselves to protect gun rights in 2025. Specifically, the GOA is aiming at Biden’s Office of Gun Control, which has been long-standing in revoking the gun-owning rights of certain individuals that have falsely been deemed threats. As part … Read more

Second Amendment Foundation’s Latest Amicus Brief Digs Deeper Into the Law Surrounding Federal Gun-Free School Zones

A spokesman for the group explained why Gabriel Cowan Metcalf had every right to carry a firearm within his neighborhood. While federal gun-free school zones are put in place for protection, they can also serve as a burden in some places with private gun owners. Take, for instance, the case surrounding Gabriel Cowan Metcalf, who lives in Billings, Montana. This was brought up against him when local police were notified he was carrying a firearm … Read more

Senator Mallory McMorrow’s Attack On Michigan Gun Rights Needs To Be Stopped

Gun Owners of America spokesman Stephen Willeford details the big problems with SB 1149 and SB 1150. Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow is going all out to get two big bills passed by the committee on Civil Rights. And they appear set to violate the rights of those that wish to bear arms. According to the Gun Owners of America, SB 1149 and SB 1150 are very close to passing. If passed, they will amend … Read more

The Second Amendment Foundation Fights Back Against Washington State’s Large Capacity Magazine Ban

A spokesman for the group explains why they’re standing up for Gator’s Guns, as well as the rights of gun-carrying citizens. Once again, a city’s unfair ban on certain gun parts is serving as a hindrance to not only private gun owners, but a business. This past week, the Second Amendment Foundation filed an amicus brief with the Washington State Supreme Court, challenging the state’s ban on “large-capacity” magazines. Furthermore, the brief also supports Gator’s … Read more

Gun Owners of America Are Very Concerned About the Future of Wyoming’s Legislative

Spokesman Stephen Willeford discusses the big problems with the legislature, and what the group is doing to fight back. While Wyoming has a solid selection of House Conservatives, there’s some concern over what’s happening in the Senate. Bo Biteman, who serves as Senate President, and Tim Salazar, Senate Vice President, are working together alongside Majority Floor Leader Tara Nethercott to take control of the Wyoming Senate. This is concerning, especially since both Biteman and Salazar voted … Read more

The Gun Owners of America Have Filed an Amicus Brief Supporting American Firearms Makers In Mexican Government Lawsuit

Spokesman Stephen Willeford discusses the case, and why the GOA firmly believe the government is in the wrong. The Mexican government is unfairly going after American firearms manufacturers, particularly Smith and Wesson, believing they are the cause for the uptick in violence within their country. However, several pro-gun advocates – including the Gun Owners of America (GOA) – are fighting back. Alongside the Gun Owners Foundation, the group has filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court, … Read more

The Gun Owners of America Have Released a New Documentary Highlighting the Need For Airline Pilots To Be Armed

A spokesman for the group discusses the importance of the newly released documentary, which focuses on the importance of safety.  The Gun Owners of America aren’t holding back when it comes to discussing an important subject – the safety of airline pilots on planes, particularly in the face of 9/11. Alongside Guns Out TV, the group has released a new documentary that discusses the fight in Washington D.C. to arm said pilots in an effort … Read more

More Republican Women Are Becoming Gun Owners

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation discusses the surge in gun ownership amongst this particular group. While many states talk about the importance of gun rights, one group in particular has made their voice loud and clear – we want to own guns. An annual report conducted by Gallup indicates that purchases of guns by Republican women are heartily increasing. 33 percent of women that follow the GOP purchased guns between 2019 and 2014. … Read more

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Has Given a Major Win To the Gun Community

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America discusses the victory over the City of Philadelphia’s efforts to violate state firearms law. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court isn’t messing around when it comes to giving its citizens the right to bear arms. The Court recently decided to uphold the preemption provisions of the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act (UFA), which stops local governments from enacting their own firearms regulations – which the City of Philadelphia has tried … Read more

Why Does Florida’s Senate President Stand Against the Idea of Open Carry?

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation explains why this move feels like a “betrayal” to many. Though Florida’s gun laws are somewhat relaxed compared to other states, open carry still isn’t legal. At least, not yet. But newly elected Florida Senate President Ben Albritton doesn’t see any reason to grant it. At least, not yet. During this week’s organization session, Albritton made it clear that he is still opposed to open carry, despite 39 … Read more

Michigan Democrats Are Trying To Push Four Anti-Gun Bills Unfairly Into Law

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why people need to speak up before the end of the year. Michigan Democrats are stopping at nothing to get four anti-gun bills pushed through the latest legislative session. Though pro-gun Republicans were able to retake the Michigan House of Representatives in this year’s election, that isn’t stopping opposing anti-gun Democrats from trying to spoil the party with a number of troublesome bills. HB 4127 and … Read more

Voters Fight Back, Knocking Down Colorado’s Proposed Ban On Hunting Mountain Lions and Bobcats

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why this is such a big win for hunters. For some time, Colorado had been proposing a new law that would ban hunting mountain lions and bobcats. But voters were having none of it. Earlier this month, Colorado voters rejected Proposition 127, knocking down any attempt for the state to destroy certain hunting traditions set within the state. “About 55.5% of voters cast ballots against Proposition … Read more

Is Maine’s 72 Hour Waiting Period For Firearm Purchases Unconstitutional?

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation explains why Maine’s waiting period may be too long for its own good. A new law passed by Maine back in August may be forcing potential new gun owners to wait longer for their purchase than necessary. Several gun rights groups recently filed a lawsuit against the state, indicating that its period of requiring a 72-hour wait to purchase firearms is unconstitutional. “Responsible gun owners should never have … Read more

Rideshare Service With Armed Drivers Is Coming To Texas – And Should Expand Further

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation explains why BlackWolf’s growing service will bring peace of mind and safety to its riders. At a time when the security surrounding ridesharing comes into question – either from drivers or from passengers – BlackWolf wants to make it clear. Its riders will be safe with its drivers. The company, which specializes in hiring armed drivers with a background in law enforcement and military, has announced that it … Read more

The Gun Owners of America Are Fighting Back Against the City of Memphis For Violating Tennessee’s Preemption Law

A spokesman for the group explains why the GOA is working alongside others to file a lawsuit against the city. The City of Memphis just set a number of new gun control ordinances in place – and gun groups like the Gun Owners of America aren’t having it. The group, alongside the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) and the Tennessee Firearms Association, have filed a lawsuit against the city for such ordinances, which were originally passed … Read more

Thanks to Gun Owners of America, A Federal Judge Has Stopped Illinois’ Latest Gun Bans In Their Tracks

A spokesman for the group discusses the permanent injunction, which is a huge win for private gun owners. Illinois’ government just learned that their gun bans don’t hold any power compared to the Second Amendment. The Gun Owners of America (GOA), alongside the Gun Owners Foundation, have secured a permanent injunction against the State of Illinois’ poorly named Protect Illinois Communities Act. The Act was put in place to ban a number of semi-automatic rifles, … Read more

Seattle’s Latest Stabbing Spree Proves That Restrictive Gun Laws Aren’t Working

Seattle’s Latest Stabbing Spree Proves That Restrictive Gun Laws Aren’t Working A spokesman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) explains why Seattle needs to correct course – and quickly. Seattle has seen a huge increase in crime over the past couple of years – and it appears that matters are getting worse. A recent string of stabbings within the city show just how ineffective the city’s government is … Read more

Why a Ban On Machine Gun Conversion Devices Will End Up Being Archaic and Ineffective

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America discusses a recent piece surrounding the controversial 3D printed devices. For some strange reason, the Biden Administration, alongside the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) have been on the warpath against “conversion devices” that turn a semiautomatic firearm into a “full auto.” This was specifically held against a gun owner named Matthew Hoover, who was unjustly given a five year sentence for selling “keycards” that … Read more

A U.S. District Judge Has Ruled Against Illinois’ Wrongful Semi-Automatic Ban – and Rightfully So

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation explains why this is such a victory for private gun owners. For months, Illinois has been sticking it to its gun-owning citizens with a number of bans on semi-automatic weapons. However, a U.S. District Judge has seen enough. Stephen McGlynn of the Southern District has struck down Illinois’ latest law, which bans a number of semi-automatic firearms within the state. The reason? It goes completely against the Second … Read more

How Gun Owners Made All the Difference With This Week’s Presidential Election

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms explains how gun owners made a difference in keeping Kamala Harris out. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA for short) wasted no time in congratulation the nation’s gun owners for this year’s election turnout and results, with former President Donald Trump returning to the White House. “America’s gun owners saw the threat of a Kamala Harris presidency and … Read more

What Does Donald Trump’s Return To the White House Mean For Gun Owners? One Word – Relief (Guest: CCRKBA Spokesman)

A spokesman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) explains why this is a step in the right direction for gun advocates. Americans wasted no time going to the polls this week in an effort to decide the future of their country. And they have spoken loudly – down with Kamala Harris’ uptight policies, and up with the return of former President Donald Trump. Trump won in an elective … Read more

Gun Owners of America Praise Pro-Gun Candidates Sweeping the Elections

A spokesman for the group explains why this is a huge victory for the United States. At a time when the situation called for it, private gun owners answered the call. Thanks to the voting power of the American public, Donald Trump will once again return to the presidency, with several other pro-gun advocates following closely behind in their elective roles. “Kamala Harris would have continued weaponizing the power of government against the Second Amendment … Read more

Kamala Harris’ Attempts To “Glock” the Vote Aren’t Fooling Gun Owners

A Gun Owners of America spokesman explains why the actions of the Presidential candidate aren’t likely to win her votes this week. During their push for the Election this season, both Presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her vice president pick Tim Walz made it clear that they are gun owners. However, their past actions have shown that they have been against gun rights – and their words aren’t fooling gun owners. Several women who are … Read more

Polling Data Shows That Donald Trump Has Gained Significant Election Points Based On Gun Rights Alone

A spokesman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) discusses why the Second Amendment could help Trump regain his position in office. The Presidential Election isn’t far off. But Republican candidate Donald Trump just got a big boost in a particular area – supporting gun rights. According to a poll from Fox News, Trump has seen a six point increase from supporting gun rights – a huge boost in contrast to … Read more

The Gun Owners of America Have Teamed Up With Canik To Produce a New Micro-Compact Pistol

A spokesman for the group discusses the MC9 micro-compact pistol, which is available for pre-order. The Gun Owners of America are firm believers in everyone’s right to bear arms. And they’re willing to back it up by working alongside the manufacturers at Canik on a pistol of their own. The group has announced a new Canik Mete MC9 GOA Limited Edition Micro Compact 9mm Pistol, which is now available for pre-order with a $50 discount. It is … Read more

Gun Owners of America Will Continue Its Fight Against Second Circuit Ruling In Antonyuk

A spokesman for the group explains why the battle in New York isn’t over yet. The Second Circuit Court recently ruled in favor of New York’s poorly named “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” right before the weekend – and the Gun Owners of America aren’t standing idly by on the decision. Though there were modifications made in certain areas, the ruling against Concealed-Carry citizens remains mostly intact, with many New York officials calling the decision a … Read more

Colorado’s Proposed Ban On Mountain Lion Hunting Could Be a Real Burden To Dedicated Hunters

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why hunters need to fight back against this unnecessary ban. The forthcoming election means a number of proposed bills, including some without much thought put into them – like Colorado’s potential ban on mountain lion hunting. Anti-hunting groups have somehow gotten Colorado Proposition 127 on the November 5th ballot, which could prohibit hunting of mountain lions and bobcats. However, if passed, the initiative could very well destroy … Read more

New York Citizens Living In Public Housing Have the Right To Bear Arms, Judge Proclaims

A spokesman for the Second Amendment Foundation criticizes the actions of the Cortland Housing Authority. New York has always been strict when it comes to setting up unnecessary gun laws – but the Cortland Housing Authority (CHA) recently took things a step too far when it banned its tenants from utilizing their Second Amendment rights. As a result, a judge has overturned the decision, permanently barring the group from imposing any kind of firearms ban … Read more

The Gun Owners of America Are Providing Support For an Iowa Police Chief Being Unfairly Targeted By the ATF

A spokesman for the group explains why the legal action against the chief is completely unfair. The Gun Owners of America, alongside a number of other groups, recently filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, in defense of former Iowa Police Chief Bradley Wendt. This comes after Wendt was unfairly targeted by the Biden-Harris DOJ, as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for … Read more

At a Time When She’s Trying To Remove Gun Rights From Citizens, Why Isn’t Kamala Harris Talking More About Her Own Gun?

A spokesman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) discusses the irony regarding the Presidential candidate’s situation. It’s a bit concerning when someone speaks up against citizens having gun rights while, at the same time, owning a gun themselves. Vice President and Presidential candidate Kamala Harris discussed as such during a recent interview. She admitted she owned a Glock pistol, owning it since her days of being a prosecutor … Read more

Here’s Why Illinois’ Latest Bills To Increase Gun Safety Aren’t Going To Do Any Good

Gun Owners of America spokesman Sam Paredes discusses the two controversial bills, which are filled with problems. Once again, Illinois lawmakers are attempting to introduce new legislation in an effort to increase gun safety. And once again, they appear to be missing the point. These lawmakers just introduced two new bills as part of the Safe at Home Legislation. The first, HB5888, would reduce the amount of time a person has to report a missing … Read more

What Anti-Gun Initiatives Will Kamala Harris If She’s Elected President? (Guest: Sam Paredes)

Actions from the past indicate that Harris will have no trouble calling for a ban on “assault weapons” – and the Gun Owners of America spokesman explains why this is a problem. As the Presidential election heads into the home stretch for early voting, many are wondering how it’ll go, with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris going neck-and-neck. But the bigger question amongst private gun owners is just what kind of initiative Harris will set … Read more

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