Special Guests

Double Standard of Media/ Biden Administration nailing Trump for Questioning Election Results but giving a pass to Georgia Media Darling Stacey Abrams

EXPERT GUEST: Scott Wheeler, Restoring Justice US Why This Matters: In a climate rife with political discord, we can’t ignore the apparent double standards that run deep in our electoral system. While the media and politicians scrutinize President Trump for questioning election results, there’s a striking silence around Stacey Abrams, a cherished figure in Georgia’s political landscape, who’s sung the same song for years. Conversation Starters: Stacey Abrams and Election Controversy: “Why is it that … Read more

Justice Finally Served To Those Attacking a Pro-Life Clinic, But Why Did It Take So Long? (Guest: Scott Wheeler)

Investigative reporter sounds off on the recent arrests in Florida, but wonders what, if anything, could come next. For a while there, many people were wondering why the Department of Justice were so hellbent on pursuing those that attacked pro-abortion centers, but didn’t provide that same level of urgency to those that damaged pro-life ones. But in a new statement, they proclaimed that some movement is being made on that front. In a statement released today, the … Read more

Kevin McCarthy’s Election Shows The Problematic Side of the GOP (Guest: Scott Wheeler)

Investigative reporter Scott Wheeler discusses the bumpy road to electing the House Speaker, and where it will lead the GOP. Right before the weekend, members of Congress finally elected Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. But it was not an easy road getting there. The House went through an unprecedented 15 rounds of voting, as McCarthy attempted to woo voters to his side and watched as certain members of the GOP changed their vote several times. … Read more

The January 6th Committee Voted To Refer Criminal Charges To Former President Donald Trump  (Guest: Scott Wheeler)

Investigative Reporter Scott Wheeler takes a look at what unfolded earlier this week. Following what occurred in January 2021, the committee put together by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives set out to prove Trump was responsible.  The committee voted on Monday to recommend that the Department of Justice press four criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, accusing him of inciting the riot that took place at the U.S. Capitol. The charges were obstructing an … Read more

Is Covid-19 Merely a National Health Emergency? Or is it an even LARGER Political-Economic Threat?

Is the Covid 19 pandemic more of an economic and political threat than it is a national health emergency? Political analyst and former investigative journalist Scott Wheeler says its health dangers are minuscular compared to its monumental political-economic impact. An astute political analyst who synthesizes data and trends, Wheeler identifies the driving forces determining political actions and policies.  As a journalist, Wheeler uncovered China’s theft of U.S. national security technology in the 1990s and discovered that … Read more

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