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Is Covid-19 Merely a National Health Emergency? Or is it an even LARGER Political-Economic Threat?

Is the Covid 19 pandemic more of an economic and political threat than it is a national health emergency? Political analyst and former investigative journalist Scott Wheeler says its health dangers are minuscular compared to its monumental political-economic impact.

An astute political analyst who synthesizes data and trends, Wheeler identifies the driving forces determining political actions and policies. 

As a journalist, Wheeler uncovered China’s theft of U.S. national security technology in the 1990s and discovered that the Clinton Administration was receiving millions in illegal campaign contributions while looking the other way. 

Five years before the U.S. government discovered Libya’s weapons of mass destruction, Wheeler uncovered it in an undercover operation in 1998.

Now Wheeler is using large data to track the real threat of Covid-19 and says that it is undermining the U.S. economy and will assuredly be used against President Trump in the November election, regardless of whether votes are cast in person or online.


  1. What evidence is there that the virus is being over-hyped?

Answer: Globally, the numbers are not following either the infection rate or numerical deaths. 

  1. Why is the number of deaths particularly suspicious?

Answer: There is a lack of details about patients’ comorbidities, and how many deaths were inevitable, yet attributed to Covid-19. 

  1. What would be a better matrix for establishing the real health risks of the virus?

Answer: A matrix that determines how long the deceased would have lived if Covid-19 had never been contracted. This would tell us more accurately how much damage the virus had actually done.

  1. What is the economic fallout of government actions in response to the virus?

Answer: Record numbers of new unemployment filings for one; destruction of small and very small businesses and its operators, including the rippling effect undermining small business backstops. 

  1. What are the political ramifications for President Trump?

Answer: Democrats are prepared to say that whatever action POTUS has taken or will take is wrong.

  1. Why are Democrats actually encouraging the president to take for himself powers to act against the virus that would otherwise terrify them if Trump were truly a “dictator” as they have claimed he is? 

Answer: Because Democrats do not truly believe Trump has dictatorial tendencies; those were merely talking points. More importantly, Democrats want Trump to set a precedent for them to use similar power to impose their will on the nation for such things such as the Green New Deal or universal, single-payer healthcare.   

  1. Where can people find out more about your analysis? 

Answer: GOPTrust.com 


Scott Wheeler is the executive director of the National Republican Trust. A former television producer and investigative journalist, Scott also is a writer focusing on domestic and international security issues. 

Mr. Wheeler has produced seventeen television documentaries and consulted on more than a dozen others. 

For decades, Mr. Wheeler has been on the forefront of the most crucial issues facing national security—from the war zones in Yugoslavia, to the drug fields of South America and following the trails of international arms smugglers to Canada, Europe and the Middle East. Mr. Wheeler is a veteran of the U.S. Army infantry. 

Watch Scott Wheeler in action on Neil Cavuto interview on Fox News: 


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