Special Guests

Double Standard of Media/ Biden Administration nailing Trump for Questioning Election Results but giving a pass to Georgia Media Darling Stacey Abrams

EXPERT GUEST: Scott Wheeler, Restoring Justice US

Why This Matters:

In a climate rife with political discord, we can’t ignore the apparent double standards that run deep in our electoral system. While the media and politicians scrutinize President Trump for questioning election results, there’s a striking silence around Stacey Abrams, a cherished figure in Georgia’s political landscape, who’s sung the same song for years.

Conversation Starters:

Stacey Abrams and Election Controversy:

“Why is it that when President Trump questioned the legitimacy of the elections, he was demonized, yet when Stacey Abrams does the same, she’s celebrated?”

Media Bias:

“Could the media’s biased treatment of these two political figures be indicative of a larger issue at hand?”

Digging Deeper:

“Are we looking at a clear case of political favoritism when it comes to how we view our electoral system’s integrity?”

Scott Wheeler’s Insightful Points:

Trump has faced massive scrutiny for even hinting at election inconsistencies. Meanwhile, Abrams has openly claimed a “stolen” election narrative with relatively little backlash.

The media’s seemingly one-sided approach questions their role as an unbiased informer of the public. Why does Mia Cathell from Townhall ask, “So, why isn’t ‘Stolen Election’ Conspirator Stacey Abrams Behind Bars?”

Using humor to drive home the point: Even a ham sandwich seems more liable than Abrams in today’s climate. If questioning election results is now akin to a crime, where’s Abrams’ trendy orange jumpsuit?

A look back: After the 2018 Georgia Governor’s race, Abrams labeled her loss to Brian Kemp as “tainted” on national television. If that’s not questioning election results, what is?

Closing Argument:

The essence of democracy lies in its fairness and transparency. But when these principles are applied selectively, it damages the very fabric of our democratic systems. It’s high time we shed light on this glaring double standard.

Call To Action:

To dive deeper into this topic, discover more truths, and challenge our conventional thinking, bring Scott Wheeler onto your show for a candid discussion on this gross double standard.

About Scott Wheeler…

Scott Wheeler is a spokesman for Restoring Justice US, an organization that does the job that the Biden Justice Department refuses to do. An accomplished and diverse investigative reporter, Scott has written two books and worked in many mediums as a newspaper reporter and editor, as well as chief correspondent for American Investigator Television Magazine and has produced 17 television documentaries. 

Wheeler has been a senior investigative reporter media outlets including One America News Network. At least two times Wheeler’s reports have been on the desk of the President of the United States, sent by Congress with requests for investigation. Wheeler’s work has invoked investigations by national federal agencies, as well as by foreign governments. He has also been a contributor to Forbes Magazine, The Washington Times, The Hill, The Washington Examiner and other publications.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests at 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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