Special Guests

Haiti Refugees Could Soon Flood Florida Coast (Guest: Michael Letts)

The law enforcement veteran and InVest USA founder discusses the potential threat that could surface in Florida. Thousands of Haitian migrants may soon take to the Atlantic/Gulf and traverse 800 miles of dangerous ocean waters for the safety of Florida. The unchecked violence in that country has citizens fleeing for their lives. And authorities believe they will soon risk the treacherous trip that takes them past the much closer island of Cuba. Seeing how poorly … Read more

Could Haiti’s Escaped Prisoner Crisis Make Its Way Into the United States?

A Second Amendment Foundation representative discusses the importance of having weapons to protect yourselves, especially with a potential crisis. A crisis is ongoing right now in Haiti, and the specter of violence and anarchy looms large, not just over the Caribbean nation but with the potential of reaching the United States. With thousands of convicts freed in violent prison breaks and gang alliances fortifying under leaders with a grim vision, the situation is growing more … Read more

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