Special Guests

What Was the Outcome of the Trump-Biden Presidential Debate? (Guest: Steve Strang)

The author of Trump Aftershock: The President’s Seismic Impact on Faith and Culture, discusses the debate. Now that the debate has concluded, joining us now to discuss it further is Steve Strang, CEO of Charisma Media and author of Trump Aftershock: The President’s Seismic Impact on Faith and Culture, is here to discuss this matter with us. Welcome, Steve! Q&A: 1. How do you think the Donald Trump and Joe Biden performed during the debate?2. Do you … Read more

What Advantages Will Trump Have In the Forthcoming Presidential Debate? (Guest: Troy Anderson)

The investigative journalist and author of The Trump Code discusses what strategies the former President may have going against Joe Biden this week. All eyes are on the debate stage this week, as current President Joe Biden and former President Joe Biden are set to take part in their first debate. Many are wondering how the debate will go. Some believe that Biden will “stick to his guns” when it comes to discussing current issues in the … Read more

Biden-Trump 2024 Debate Agreement – A Comedy of Errors and Triumphs (Guest: JD Rucker)

JD Rucker, CEO of Best USA Beef, and editor of The Liberty Daily, join us with offers a sharp analysis of the recently announced Biden-Trump debates for 2024. In his latest commentary, Rucker highlights the laughable suggestion that Trump lost the 2020 debates and predicts Trump’s undeniable dominance in the upcoming debates. He explores the political and media dynamics at play, emphasizing how Biden needs Trump to legitimize his campaign and the likely manipulations by … Read more

Abortion Questions Come Up During Recent Pennsylvania Debate Between Fetterman and Oz (Guest: Jim Harden)

CompassCare’s Jim Harden addresses the answers that came from both Senate candidates. Earlier this week, a debate took place in Philadelphia between the two Senate candidates, Republican nominee Mehmet Oz and Democrat nominee John Fetterman. There were many topics that were discussed during the debate, but abortion rights was a pretty big one. Both men addressed their take on their matter, but Oz was a bit careful with his response. When asked if abortion should … Read more

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