Special Guests

Unmasking the Real Harvey Milk: A Pride Month Controversy (Guest: Michael Lee Mason)

FreeFiltering.org founder Michael Lee Mason discusses the Pentagon’s decision to make the late Milk a symbol for “Pride,” despite his controversial history.

The Pentagon recently made the decision to honor the late Harvey Milk as their symbol for Pride Month, believing he would be a key figure for LGBTQ+ support. However, Michael Lee Mason doesn’t see it that way.

The founder of the website FreeFiltering.org, which helps parents keep kids safe from Pride-based “grooming” sites, explained how Milk had a relationship with 16-year old Jack Galen McKinley, who committed suicide after taking sexual abuse over the course of their time together. Many have made note that this is a “false” claim. However, some, including the President of the Temecula school board in California, believe it to be true.

Many believe that the Pentagon is merely using a “whitewashed” version of Milk’s life to push its Pride initiative, with “diversity and inclusion” in mind. But some believe that traditional heroes of America are being replaced with “heroes” that represent secular ideologies. That includes some portions of Milk’s life being willfully ignored or distorted in favor of a “more important” message. It’s a bit odd, considering the military, in the past, had dishonorably discharged soldiers for going after kids, deeming them unfit through “conduct unbecoming.”

Mason joins us now to discuss why he thinks this move by the Pentagon is a big mistake.


  1. What is your reaction to the Pentagon’s decision to honor Harvey Milk during Pride Month?
  2. Can you elaborate on your concerns about the erasure or distortion of key aspects of Harvey Milk’s life story?
  3. How do you see the changes in military culture over the past few decades?
  4. How do you propose we restore the traditional family in our era, and what steps can individuals take to contribute to this?  
  5. What argument would you have for someone that defends Milk?
  6. Tell us what inspired you to put together FreeFiltering.org, and how it can help parents protect their kids from “predatory” grooming websites.
  7. Where can people learn more about FreeFiltering.org?

Simply visit the website at https://freefiltering.org/#LGBTQ.

About Michael Lee Mason…

Michael Lee Mason is the founder of FreeFiltering.org, a service that provides free internet filtering for home Wi-Fi, based on traditional Christian values. The service proudly blocks Pride, Porn, and Pro-Abortion websites, in order to protect kids from being groomed into a life of sin. Before beginning his entrepreneurial career, he was the lead singer in the Air Force’s premier country band in Washington, D.C., where he performed for the President, Supreme Court Justices, and senior military brass. 

A veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom & Operation Iraqi Freedom, he entertained deployed troops around the world. After discovering his home internet filters were not protecting his children from websites devoted to normalizing sin, he went looking for an alternative solution. Finding no one willing to admit that they blocked socially-acceptable sin, he developed a solution to help families fight back.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, call Jerry McGlothlin at 919-437-0001 or by email at: geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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