Special Guests

NYC’s new anti-business commuter toll (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in WND.) New York City is becoming as bad as California, and that’s saying something. The city just voted to kill many of the small businesses in the city and have large businesses move out of the city. It’s the latest move to show that Mayor Eric Adams and the city council have no ability to manage a city. Just like California’s wealth tax sent the state’s highest earners looking for a new … Read more

How bad is it getting in the military? (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in WND.) How bad has the U.S. military become that a 31-year veteran, a retired colonel in the Army, is advising teenagers not to join the military? In a Rumble video, Col. Larry Wilkerson said he told a group of high school students, “I recommend none of you 18 and 19 year olds go into the military, because all your military is doing today is being led by people who are insane, infested with lust … Read more

It’s only dangerous rhetoric if a Republican says it (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in WND.) Imagine a Republican congressional representative threatened former President Barack Obama and said he needed to be “eliminated.” What would be the response of other politicians? How would the media play it? Well, Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., said during an appearance on former White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s MSNBC show, “It is just unquestionable at this point that that man [former President Donald Trump] cannot see public office again. He is not … Read more

White House exposes special forces – and risks their lives (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in WND.) Democrats have shown time and time again that they don’t respect the U.S. military. They would much rather use our Armed Forces for social experiments like integrating transgender servicepeople into the ranks than making sure they are prepared for combat. And now they have needlessly put the lives of some U.S. soldiers in the Middle East at risk. The White House posted a picture on X (formerly Twitter) of President Joe … Read more

The latest state to attack pro-life pregnancy centers (By Jim Harden)

(Originally published in WND.) Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a blatantly anti-pro-life law on July 27, 2023. The law, under the guise of protecting women from consumer fraud, went into effect immediately. Threatening $50,000 fines and corporate dissolution if pregnancy centers failed to use state-sanctioned speech supporting and promoting abortion in direct opposition to their pro-life mission, the law would have made criminals of every pregnancy center in the state. On Thursday, Aug. 3, U.S. … Read more

BLM protests’ impact on nationwide murder rate (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published on WND.) Supporting violence leads to more violence. It seems obvious, but progressives continue to try and convince the public that the opposite is true. A study in the Journal of Urban Economics shows Black Lives Matter protests led to an 11.5% increase in nationwide murders over five years. This amounts to thousands of people who lives apparently did not matter to BLM protesters. The study looked at how the BLM protests affected police arrests, … Read more

Good boy! Police dogs’ vital role in law enforcement (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published on WND.) There’s nothing like seeing a police dog that can do an amazing job. Now, mind you, it’s not a role for every sort of dog. It’s not like poodles or even “wiener dogs” could cut it. Instead, it’s a role usually reserved for German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, Bloodhounds, Dutch Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers. Now, there could be exceptions depending on the roles needed, but these breeds are the most efficient at doing their … Read more

Schools are bringing back cops after ‘Defund Police’ craze (By Michael Letts)

(Previously published in WND.) After every school shooting, anti-gun activists call for more restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. When Democrats were in the street rioting after George Floyd’s death, a common cry was “Defund the Police.”  Since school systems are predominantly run by liberals, it should come as no surprise that they also took up the call. Many of them, particularly those in major cities run by Democrats, reduced their budgets for school resource … Read more

Union leader to cops: Go work where politicians don’t hate you

(Originally published in WND.) With police forces across the country struggling to staff at even minimal levels and crime skyrocket in major cities, one would think politicians would recognize the needed service police provide their communities. The problem is that leftist politicians despise admitting when they are wrong, even when the evidence shows them contrary information. In Los Angeles, things seem to have gotten so bad as the police union negotiates with the city that … Read more

What are they hiding about Nashville school shooting? (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in WND.) It was in March that a transgender named Audrey Hale entered the Covenant School in Tennessee and murdered three 9-year-old students and three staff members. Hale would have undoubtedly killed more if not stopped by quick-acting police. Among the evidence collected in the wake of the massacre was a “manifesto” people believe explained Hale’s motivation. Rather than releasing this information to the public, the authorities quickly suppressed it. Tennessee U.S. Rep. … Read more

The IRS is stockpiling HOW much in weapons and ammo? (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in WND.) So, over the past few months I’ve noticed something rather disturbing: more and more reports indicating that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) may not have the best interests at heart when it comes to balanced justice. I’ve heard whistleblower reports about preferential treatment for certain types (like President Biden’s son Hunter), as well as stories where innocent Americans were under investigation because of their … Read more

CBP would rather detain and fine citizens than stop illegals (By: Michael Letts)

(Originally published in WND.) If you are an illegal migrant coming into the United States, you are virtually welcomed. In some case, Customs and Border Patrol will simply tell you to be back at a certain time for a hearing and then let you go. They may even put you up in a nice hotel. However, if you are a United States citizen returning home from Mexico by car, and you happen to get into … Read more

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