Special Guests

Why Do Some Perceive Shen Yun As a “Dangerous Cult”?

A member of the famous dance group looks at the ill misperceptions of a YouTuber that believes it’s nothing more than a money-making opportunity. Since its inception, Shen Yun has captivated many parts of the world with its elegant shows, celebrating the rich culture of China. However, some believe that it’s a show with much more sinister intentions. One of those is Rebecca Watson, a popular streamer over on YouTube. She recently posted a video … Read more

Organ Harvesting Culture (Guest: Shen Yun Speakers)

Communist Chinese Persecuting Citizens while Turning a Profit The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does not want Chinese culture to exist, particularly the Falun Gong and the affiliated Shen Yun spiritual dance culture. It also doesn’t want any religious movement to exist. It has further demonstrated that it will use persecution as a means for doing so, while also profiting from that persecution. For example, the Falun Gong – considered an off shoot of Buddhism – … Read more

How the Power of Shen Yun Is Shaping the Minds of Children In Schools For the Better

In spite of what the CCP may think, the inspiring dance is helping young minds more than anyone may realize. Over the past few days, you may have heard about Shen Yun, and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is trying to get it shut down. Shen Yun is a celebrated performing arts company located in New York, one that specializes in the art of the dance as a showcase piece for China. And it’s … Read more

Culture vs Communism (Guest: Various Shen Yun Speakers)

How Chinese Dance is Winning Hearts and Minds in China – and around the World There are countless reasons why the government of Communist China (CCP) has been threatening Taiwan’s freedom. Whether it be Democratic principles of economic freedom and production, or other threats posed to the CCP, Taiwan is resented. Believe it or not, one reason may be the cultural manifestation of Shen Yun, which is a highly disciplined brand of classical Chinese dance … Read more

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