Special Guests


Outgoing President Calls for DRASTIC CHANGE Outgoing President Joe Biden is resigning and not seeking a second term. Many believe the reason has to do with significant cognitive decline. That does not mean he is not calling for drastic change. His proposals—term limits for justices, an enforceable code of ethics, and a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity—underscore a critical moment in American politics. The proposal to require term limits at the U.S. Supreme Court … Read more

The Supreme Court’s Decision to Stay All Rulings Could Lead to More Pro-Abortion Violence (Guest: Jim Harden)

CompassCare CEO Rev. Jim Harden sees trouble ahead as SCOTUS decides the fate of the abortion drug Mifepristone, dubbed the “chemical coat hanger.” Executive summary/Proposed interview intro: The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on Wednesday, April 19 on whether or not the abortion pill will be banned. This ruling will have far-reaching consequences since the majority of abortions in the United States are from abortion pills, not abortion surgery. CompassCare CEO Rev. Jim … Read more

The Supreme Court Could Be Taking a Second Look At the Case To Reinstate Donald Trump (Guest: Michael Letts)

Law enforcement veteran Michael Letts weighs the possibility of the Supreme Court deciding to look into the former President. Despite all the legal issues surrounding him, former President Donald Trump could have one thing working in his favor this week – the Supreme Court. A report from MSN reveals that the members of SCOTUS are considering hearing a lawsuit that surrounds election claims from the former President. The Brunson v. Adams suit notes that lawmakers failed … Read more

Pro-life Strategist Warns All Gains with SCOTUS Win Could be Lost with Mid-terms (Guest: Jim Harden)

Pro-life strategist Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of recently firebombed Buffalo medical office sounds alarm, warning all pro-life gains made with reversal of Roe could be lost if pro-abortion politicians dominate mid-term elections. One of two things will happen as a result of the mid-term elections. One, the gains enjoyed by releasing the Court’s stranglehold on states to govern their own affairs related to abortion are solidified with the election of pro-life legislators. Or two, pro-lifers lose the ability to … Read more

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