Special Guests

CompassCare CEO Calls Out the Department of Justice for Failing to Prosecute Violators of the FACE Act (Guest: Jim Harden)

Rev. Jim Harden is wondering why the Department of Justice seems to be following a double standard. Even with the 5 most recent arrests being made in the attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, it doesn’t appear that justice is truly being served. The Department of Justice has still failed to indict even the arrested perpetrators for committing acts of terror or violating the FACE Act. With approximately 300 attacks, five arrests, and no indictments, the double standard … Read more

How Pro-Life Medical Pregnancy Centers Will Compete with the Faltering, Billion-Dollar Abortion Empire (Guest: Jim Harden)

With the potential for a Roe-reversal, the abortion industry is being forced to adopt a new hub-and-spoke business model. The gaps created by this new reality will allow pro-life medical pregnancy centers to compete head-to-head with the abortion empire, allowing them to reach and serve 900,000 women in all 50 states. Q&A: How is the billion-dollar abortion empire faltering? Answer: If Roe is reversed, the abortion industry will be forced to change its business model overnight. The recent pro-abortion … Read more

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