Special Guests

Why Students Are Comparing Today’s Protests To the Civil Rights Movement – And Why They’re Wrong (Guest: Dan McLaughlin)

The National Review writer explains why students today have it wrong when they discuss fighting for the right thing.

Numerous protests have taken place in college campuses across the U.S., with students sounding off with pro-Palestinian opinions. However, according to a report from the National Review, some believe that what they’re fighting for is akin to protests from years ago.

These students note that they are “reviving tactics that were used justly and successfully in the civil-rights movement, the protests against the Vietnam war, and the anti-apartheid movement.”

However, writer Dan McLaughlin can easily state this isn’t the case. First off, “the underlying pro-Hamas, anti-Israel cause here is entirely unjust, and its specific demands are both ridiculous and themselves unjust.”

But to dive further, “the protest movements of the past were not always successful,” pointing out how the lawless campus protests of 1968 resulted in the election of then-President Richard Nixon, and the extension of the Vietnam War for five additional years.

Most importantly, McLaughlin notes how the whole thing feels like a “bait and switch” to tie the civil rights movement with today’s protests. “They didn’t want to burn down the system – they wanted to share in it.”

McLaughlin, an accomplished writer for National Review, joins us now to discuss the situation further.


  1. Why are students thinking that what they’re doing is along the same lines of what protestors did during the civil-rights movement?
  2. Why are some of these students so blind to see the damage that’s being caused, and some others being hurt by their actions? Are they really that driven behind their message?
  3. It seems these days, protests are a lot more violent than ones in the past. What are these protestors hoping to produce with this level of violence? Do tactics like this usually backfire?
  4. Do you think it was rather alarming that President Biden took so long to address what was happening with these protests?
  5. Where do you see these protests going in the months ahead? Will they get worse before they get better?
  6. Tell us more about your work with the National Review, and where we can read more of it.

About Dan McLaughlin…

Dan McLaughlin is a senior writer at National Review, where he covers a broad range of topics including political strategy, public policy, and legal issues. His work is distinguished by meticulous research and a nuanced understanding of American politics. McLaughlin’s analyses provide readers with a deeper comprehension of the dynamics that shape policy and political narratives in the United States.

Contact Information:

For interviews with Dan McLaughlin or further inquiries, please contact Jerry McGlothlin at 919-437-0001 or email jerry@specialguests.com.

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