Special Guests

These Young Gun Owners Are Challenging Hawaii’s Unfair Gun Laws – and For Good Reason

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America believes that Hawaii should take a closer look at its law, preventing young people’s right to bear arms. Hawaii’s gun laws never really made much sense, especially how they rebuke the decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court surrounding gun rights. And now, a pair of potential young gun owners are challenging the state’s unfair stance on said rights. Elijah Pinales, 19, and Juda Roache, 17, filed … Read more

The Hawaii Supreme Court Just Turned Its Back On the Rights of the Second Amendment (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The Gun Owners of America spokesman explains why the state is setting a dangerous precedent, especially when it comes to the rights of gun owners. Hawaii’s Supreme Court has chosen to abandon the Constitution in favor of the…Spirit of Aloha. Just a few days ago, the high court for the sunny state ruled that Second Amendment rights do not extend to Hawaii citizens, despite it being part of the United States of America. Justice Todd … Read more

Hawaii’s Complete Disregard For the Second Amendment Could Prove Costly To Private Gun Owners

A Second Amendment Foundation spokesman explains why the state’s violation of the Constitution could prove costly. When did Hawaii suddenly think that the Constitution didn’t apply to them? According to this report from Newsweek, the state is completely ignoring the Second Amendment rights of a citizen who was carrying a gun in public without a permit provided by the state.  Initially, the man wasn’t to be charged, as decided by a lower court ruling. However, the state’s … Read more

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