Special Guests

GOP Concerned About the Inflation Reduction Act Resulting In the Hiring of 87,000 IRS Agents (Guest: Steve Beaman)

With the Inflation Reduction Act approved in a close 51-50 vote this week, many are waiting to see the effects of the bill. However, the GOP believe that a certain provision on the bill may be of concern. According to the bill, there will be approximately 87,000 IRS agents would be hired, in an effort to find people that were known to cheat on their taxes. While the Democrats cheered on the actions of the … Read more

Inflation and Market Selloff Have Young Families and Retirees Most At Risk! (Guest: Brett Winterble)

Terrible news for the most vulnerable among us: young families and retirees. As the Wall Street wipeout continues, people are wondering if their retirement dollars are safe. Even the inventor of the 4% rule has had to rethink his approaches, it is a rule that has been held since 1994. The 4% retirement rule was instituted in in1994. Since then, retirees have relied on this rule to help determine how much they should spend in retirement. … Read more

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