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Joe Biden’s pick of Kamala Harris for Vice President is a disaster!

Anne Trimble, a Christian financial advisor, can articulate the top 7 ways Kamala Harris’ misguided economic vision would sink the U.S. economy. 

1.    Like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris has called for a full repeal of President Trump’s biggest legislative accomplishment, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.  That means Americans will be saddled with more taxes.

2.    Kamala Harris wants new taxes to fund her Medicare for All scheme.  Currently, the government takes 31% of our paychecks.  Under Harris’ “Medicare for All”, Uncle Sam would take 50%!

3.    Kamala Harris tax plan would cost $2.8 trillion within 10 years. The federal government is already $27 trillion in debt. And that does not include Medicare and Social Security which are unfunded. Harris’ plan would: 

∙         Increase the payroll tax on employers by 7.5% which would slash wages for middle-class workers. 

∙         Raise the payroll tax by 4% on households making more than $100,000 per year (This will directly hit 29.2 percent of American households).

∙   Harris uses dishonest terminology to hide the fact that she is raising the payroll tax: she uses the term “premium” instead of “payroll tax.”

∙         Increase the top tax bracket to 70% for ordinary income and capital gains income

∙         Implement a 77% death rate tax, 1 percent “wealth” tax.

4.    Kamala Harris wants to give a refundable tax credit of up to $3,000. But the credit would begin to phase out for married taxpayers earning more than $60,000. That’s a very low income amount for middle class Americans. 

5.    Kamala Harris’ “Medicare for All”, the Leftist power grab that she co-sponsored with Senator Bernie Sanders, would cost $32 trillion over 10 years, according to the Heritage Foundation

6.    Kamala Harris would raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. With unemployment at 11.1% in June and likely to remain elevated for some time, minimum-wage hikes are a recipe for disaster.  This would be a tax on small business owners. After the COVID pandemic, small business owners don’t need anymore economic liability. 

7.    Kamala Harris wants to forgive the $1.5 trillion of student debt. That’s a bad idea. (It was $250 billion in 2004.)  42 million Americans — about one in every eight — have student loans. Students loans are now the second largest slice of household debt after mortgages, bigger than credit card debt. Can we afford more federal government debt?

Anne Trimble is a precious metals expert and CEO of Real Money USA.   

Anne Trimble can articulate the top 7 reasons 

why Kamala Harris’ economic vision will sink the U.S. economy

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