Special Guests

Joe Biden’s pick of Kamala Harris for Vice President is a disaster!

Anne Trimble, a Christian financial advisor, can articulate the top 7 ways Kamala Harris’ misguided economic vision would sink the U.S. economy.  1.    Like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris has called for a full repeal of President Trump’s biggest legislative accomplishment, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.  That means Americans will be saddled with more taxes. 2.    Kamala Harris wants new taxes to fund her Medicare for All scheme.  Currently, the government takes 31% of … Read more

Gold just hit historic high of $2,034.45 per ounce

What does this say about the dollar, economy and stock market? Will paper money become worthless in light of Revelation 13:16-17 which states that no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast or the Antichrist?  CNBC says that gold prices have surged to this record high amid coronavirus worries and U.S.-China tensions. And the Wall Street Journal explains that investors are buying gold because they think it will … Read more

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