Special Guests

Gold just hit historic high of $2,034.45 per ounce

What does this say about the dollar, economy and stock market?

Will paper money become worthless in light of Revelation 13:16-17 which states that no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast or the Antichrist? 

CNBC says that gold prices have surged to this record high amid coronavirus worries and U.S.-China tensions.

And the Wall Street Journal explains that investors are buying gold because they think it will hold its value if stocks take another tumble. 

Plus, the weakening dollar adds momentum to gold’s summer surge. In other words, gold is a haven.

The U.S. debt is over $20 trillion. Most days, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, known as the FDIC, only has $25 billion on hand. But U.S. banks have an excess of $9 trillion in insured deposits. This means the FDIC “safety net” is scarcely prepared to protect the assets of every American. 

Anne Trimble, a Christian precious metals expert

The author of “Forgive Us Our Debts: How God Can Protect Your Money from the Coming Crash of the Dollar,” Trimble says, “Our debt problem cannot be fixed by a tax cut, stimulus package, interest rate cut, or any other man-made solution.

According to Anne, “The crash that’s coming is inevitable as the stage has already been set for a major crisis.  When this happens:

  • The stock market will fall by 70%
  •  Real estate will plummet by 50%.
  • And savings accounts will be cut in half.”


1.  What is the significance of the new record high prices for gold? What does it say about our economy?

2.  How might the ongoing pandemic impact gold and silver?

3.  Stocks could conceivably drop in value by 50% to 90%. And the dollar itself could conceivably drop to zero if hyperinflation hits after all the trillion-dollar Coronavirus bailouts. What is the likelihood of gold ever doing the same thing?

4.  We hear about the dollar losing value.  What is your forecast for the future of the dollar?

5.  What impact will rising gold prices have on jewelry? 

6.  How does the gold boom tie into the upcoming currency collapse and the ushering in of a one world currency from the Antichrist? 

7.  Tell us about the mark of the beast from Revelation 13:17 and how it ties into paper money that soon may be worthless.

  • The passage states, “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”
  • The purpose of this mark is to identify the bearer as one loyal to the Antichrist.
  • Other statements in the book of Revelation make it clear that true believers will reject this mark (Revelation 20:4).
  • And those who take it are knowingly rejecting God and His gospel (Revelation 14:9–11).

8. What about the rise of China and their 200-million-person army?

9. Where may we get more information on your company and purchasing, silver or other precious metals?

  • Answer: RealMoneyUSA.com


Because she used to teach high school kids which requires clarity of communication, Anne Trimble can explain the economic world, the impact of the COVID pandemic, and the importance of precious metals in an understandable way that every listener will grasp.

One of Anne’s claims to fame is that she was the valiant whistle-blower to shut down companies run by Dr. Larry Bates, a man convicted of precious metals fraud, leading to his long-term incarceration

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