Special Guests

Turkey Hunter Pardoned (Guest: Max McGuire)

Outgoing President Pardons WRONG Turkey on Thanksgiving Sometimes, unintended ironies are the best kind. Every year, there is a tradition for the President of the United States to pardon a Thanksgiving Day Turkey. This year was an historical first. Joe Biden pardoned the wrong Turkey – his son, Hunter. Additionally, the pardon of Hunter curiously covers an 11-year period, which is more than twice as long as the period covered by the Nixon pardon. 11 … Read more

CompassCare Taking Part In GivingTuesday With a Special Campaign To Drive Up Donations For Its Centers (Guest: Jim Harden)

Over the years, GivingTuesday has been building up steam, becoming just as eventful as the Black Friday and Cyber Monday events that have come before it. GivingTuesday has become the biggest annual day to donate to your favorite non-profit charitable organization.  This year, CompassCare pro-life pregnancy centers is setting aside this day to raise awareness and donations for its centers across the country. Deemed as a “global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and … Read more

After Active Shooter Events In Colorado Springs and Chesapeake, Law Enforcement Veteran Michael Letts Takes a Closer Look At Where the Problem Really Lies (Guest: Michael Letts)

What does it take to stop active shooter events such as this from happening? This week of Thanksgiving has been marred by two active shooter events that have left several people dead. Sunday night, a suspect opened fire in Q Club in Colorado Springs, killing five and injuring several others. Just two nights later, a former employee walked into a Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia, killing six and injuring others. It’s the latest in an ongoing … Read more

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