Special Guests

CompassCare Taking Part In GivingTuesday With a Special Campaign To Drive Up Donations For Its Centers (Guest: Jim Harden)

Over the years, GivingTuesday has been building up steam, becoming just as eventful as the Black Friday and Cyber Monday events that have come before it. GivingTuesday has become the biggest annual day to donate to your favorite non-profit charitable organization. 

This year, CompassCare pro-life pregnancy centers is setting aside this day to raise awareness and donations for its centers across the country.

Deemed as a “global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world,” CompassCare sees this as an opportunity to voice their support amongst the pro-life communities, who are facing continuous ire with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade months prior.

The company has announced a dollar-for-dollar match opportunity for donors to its program, which has a goal of $200,000. With it, they hope to strengthen its community amongst its centers, especially following a firebombing that had taken place at its Buffalo location back in June.

Here to discuss this campaign further is CompassCare CEO Jim Harden (or advancement manager Daniel Tomlinson), breaking down its importance and how vital it is to have it take place on GivingTuesday.


  1. In your point of view, what is GivingTuesday?
  2. The day after Cyber Monday when people can refocus on investing in community change through non-profits, such as CompassCare, where we work to save women and their preborn boys and girls from abortion.
  3. Why do you believe it’s so important to donate to CompassCare right now?
  4. Pro-lifers are already going through so much with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and continuous attacks from hate groups. But on top of that, CompassCare was firebombed in June by pro-abortion terrorists worried about the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. Before that, CompassCare developed and implemented a post-Roe America plan to compete head-on with the billion-dollar abortion empire, providing the 21st century TeleCare tools to pregnancy centers to reach and serve women considering abortion before they travel or have dangerous chemical coat-hangers sent to them in the mail. We believe donations will provide them a greater deal of comfort in these rough times.
  5. How did you decide upon the $200,000 goal for the campaign?
    1. $200,000 will help CompassCare do two things: 1) protect pro-life pregnancy centers from violence and censorship, and 2) reach and serve even more women who believe abortion is their only choice through 21st-century TeleCare tools—and equip other pro-life pregnancy centers to do the same.
  6. Donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar on GivingTuesday. Is that correct?
    1. Generous donors will release a dollar-for-dollar match opportunity, which should help us achieve the goal easily.
  7. On a side note, New York serves as the abortion capital of the United States. Recently, Governor Kathy Hochul gave $35 million in taxpayer funds for abortionists to recruit others and expand tele-abortion to export chemical abortion to conservative states. What is the current status of CompassCare’s rebuild and expansion efforts into New York and other conservative states?

CompassCare is building bigger in Buffalo, bought an office in Albany, and is working directly with organizations in New York City to serve more women in-person and through TeleCare. CompassCare has also launched a statewide TeleCare system to serve women through New York and beyond before she is revictimized by abortionists.

  1. Where can we learn more about CompassCare and its services?

You can find out more information on our community page.

About Rev. James Harden…

Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div. is the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services and lives outside of Rochester, NY with his wife and ten children. Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He has written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy.

CONTACT: Gerald McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 919-437-0001.  

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