Special Guests

Iranians Running Toward Christianity (Guest: Mark Biltz)

The Bitter Fruit of Islamic Law is Driving People to Jesus In a dramatic turn of events, Iran—long known for its strict enforcement of Islamic law and its harsh treatment of dissent—may be experiencing a profound transformation in its religious landscape. Recent reports suggest an unprecedented wave of Muslims are converting to Christianity, leading to the closure of numerous mosques and a significant shift in the country’s spiritual climate. According to recent coverage, over a … Read more

Bracing for Annihilation (Guest: Mark Biltz)

Israel and Iran Heading for Major Middle East Showdown The world is being warned by both Iran and Israel that something very big and catastrophic is looming. Ever since the October 7, 2023, attacks in Israel last year, the pot continues to boil. Hamas (the Palestinian Wing of the Muslim Brotherhood) has been continuing to attack Israel. The restraint being demanded of Israel is becoming more and more untenable due to the severity and incessant … Read more

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