Special Guests

Why Are Americans Going With a Tighter Budget This Summer? (Guest: Dr. Michael Grayson)

The credit expert and author discusses a report that suggests how U.S. citizens are being forced to lighten up on their spending. Just when it seemed like the U.S. was getting back into the swing of a regular economy, it appears that wallets are tightening up yet again. A new report from CNN has revealed that consumers are looking to spend less on away-from-home entertainment and vacations, in an effort to save up for the remainder … Read more

Vegans Shut Down Restaurant on Father’s Day, Police Show Up Three Hours Later (Guest: Dr. Michael Grayson)

Vegans stormed Sage Regenerative Kitchen & Brewery on Father’s Day, upset that the restaurant now serves meat, harassed customers and sent them packing. Owner Mollie Engelhart said she called the police, but they didn’t show up for three hours. The Los Angeles-based restaurant is struggling to survive in a city and state where criminals hold the advantage. Engelhart also noted police don’t respond to crimes in the area, making it particularly “chaotic and scary” in … Read more

Is the Idea of Retirement a Distant Memory? (Guest: Dr. Michael Grayson)

The credit expert discusses the idea of having a “comfortable” retirement in today’s financial age. The world certainly has changed over the past few years – and not for the better. Inflation has caused a number of items to go up in price, including food, housing and even gas. With that, some people that thought they were in for a comfortable retirement are experiencing anything but. A new report in the Seattle Times reveals that while the … Read more

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