Special Guests

How Will Trump Impact Israel? (Guest: Mark Biltz)

The author and pastor of El Shaddai Ministries discusses Trump’s impact on Israel, and whether he could make things better or worse. Following a visit to the United States this past week, it appears that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been favorable to the return of President Donald Trump, and considers America one of their strongest allies. During his visit, Netanyahu called Trump “the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White … Read more

Rush to Bomb (Guest: NCRI Spokesman)

Desperate Iranian Regime in Nuclear High-Gear as Iranians Rally in Paris; Trump meets with Netanyahu Events are unfolding very quickly relative to Iran. The desperate regime is operating at a high speed level to develop nuclear weapons capabilities. Iranians all over the world are speaking out with ever more forceful intensity, demanding the overthrow of the oppressive regime in Iran, which has tortured and murdered many of its own citizens. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin … Read more

Benjamin Netanyahu Defends Himself the Right Way In His Unnecessary Corruption Trial (Guest: David Rubin)

The former Mayor of Shiloh explains why the trial needs to end, especially when Israel needs Netanyahu the most. The fact that a corruption trial against the leader of a nation at war seems utterly absurd. And yet, that’s exactly what’s happening to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The long-standing leader took the witness stand as a defendant in a corruption trial, with charges including exchanging regulatory favors for positive press coverage, as well as … Read more

Could Donald Trump Be the Key Asset To Israel’s Victory Over Iran? (Guest: David Rubin)

The former Mayor of Shiloh discusses what the re-elected President could do, especially with his promise of a “blank check.” Though President Joe Biden has provided fair (but not entirely strong) support for the country, all eyes are on re-elected President Donald Trump and what he will be able to do for Israel. Following his successful victory last week, Trump promised that he will provide Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a “blank check,” which could … Read more

Will the Firing of Israel’s Defense Minister Create Even More Uneasiness? (Guest: Mark Biltz)

The pastor of El Shaddai Ministries discusses the recent termination of Yoav Gallant, and what possibly comes next. For the second time in a year and a half, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has fired his defense minister, Yoav Gallant. And this time, it’s likely that the termination will stick. Israel Katz is set to replace Gallant as defense minister, while Gideon Sa’ar replaces Katz as foreign minister. In a statement, Netanyahu noted, “In the … Read more

Stockholm Syndrome in Israel (Guests: Mark Biltz and David Rubin)

Jews Take to the Streets to Support Terrorists As the world learned that six more Israeli hostages taken captive on October 7th were found dead, thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets. Applying logic, you might think that the protests are intended to denounce Hamas and demand that the Jewish government destroy the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine wing. However, you’d be wrong. The protesters are demanding a ceasefire from their government. David Rubin, who knows … Read more

As Benjamin Netanyahu Pushes For “Total Victory” In Israel, Where Does This Leave Its People? (Guest: Grant Berry)

The Founder of Reconnecting Ministries discusses Netanyahu’s drive in the face of his United States critics – and what Israel should do to save lives. Right before the weekend, President Joe Biden agreed with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer over his stern words for Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Schumer had noted, Nobody expects Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of violence, preserve Israel’s credibility on the … Read more

Protests Are Growing In Israel As Benjamin Netanyahu’s Administration Overcomes No-Confidence Vote (Guest: David Rubin)

The former mayor of Shiloh what’s happening with the right-wing protest against the Prime Minister. Benjamin Netanyahu may have overcome the odds in the Knesset, but there’s still a lot to overcome when it comes to public opinion. Per this report from CNBC, the Israeli Prime Minister recently survived a no-confidence vote in the country’s parliament, in the midst of continuing demonstrations that have been the largest in Israel’s history. This follows Netanyahu’s push for judicial … Read more

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