Special Guests

ICC Seeks Arrest Warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Guest: David Rubin)

In a show of lunacy, the International Criminal Court is seeking an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu so they can charge him with war crimes and crimes against humanity, just as the seek an arrest warrant for members of the terror group Hamas who started this war with an attack on Israel October 7th.  It is the first time the ICC has targeted the leader of a close U.S. Ally. The charges against … Read more

Finally, An Arrest In a Recent Attack On a Buffalo Pro-Life Center (Guest: Jim Harden)

That said, CompassCare CEO Jim Harden believes there’s still a ways to go for justice. After waiting what feels like an eternity for any sort of justice, it looks like a CompassCare pregnancy center in Buffalo finally got just that. Over the weekend, a suspect was arrested following a defacing of the main sign of the CompassCare location in Buffalo. Per the Amherst Police Department (APD), 39-year old Hannah Kamke was charged with one count … Read more

When You Think About It, Is Sen. Rand Paul’s Decree To Have Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “Put In Jail” Really Such an Absurd Idea? (Guest: Michael Letts)

Law enforcement veteran Michael Letts believes that the Senator may be onto something when it comes to justice. Just days ago, former President Donald Trump noted that Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg would be issuing an arrest warrant for him this week. Though that has yet to take place, some believe it could literally happen at any time.  That said, Senator Rand Paul sounded off with his own opinion on the matter. In a tweet, Paul … Read more

“They Are Arresting the Wrong President?,” asks Police Officer Michael Letts

The law enforcement veteran explains everything wrong with this week’s potential arrest of former President Donald Trump and encourages police officers to defy arrest orders. As the nation braces for one of the most politicalized and weaponized tactics in the history of The United States of America, the local Manhattan DA Briggs is issuing an indictment against former 45th President Donald Trump for alleged criminal activity involving a payoff (hush money) from political campaign funds to … Read more

The Department of Justice Finally Makes Pro-Life Related Arrests – But Will It Stop There? (Guest: Jim Harden)

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden addresses the recent indictment of pro-abortion extremists, but notes that more work has to be done. After months of frustrating struggles by CompassCare to get any progress made, it appears the Department of Justice has finally begun moving forward on pursuing justice against those that attack pro-life pregnancy centers.  This past week, it announced that two pro-abortion extremists have been indicted for allegedly spray-painting pro-life medical facilities, as well as harassing … Read more

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