Special Guests

The Department of Justice Finally Makes Pro-Life Related Arrests – But Will It Stop There? (Guest: Jim Harden)

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden addresses the recent indictment of pro-abortion extremists, but notes that more work has to be done.

After months of frustrating struggles by CompassCare to get any progress made, it appears the Department of Justice has finally begun moving forward on pursuing justice against those that attack pro-life pregnancy centers. 

This past week, it announced that two pro-abortion extremists have been indicted for allegedly spray-painting pro-life medical facilities, as well as harassing employees – which violates the FACE Act.

Writing such words as “If abortions aren’t safe than niether [sic] are you,” “YOUR TIME IS UP!!,” “WE’RE COMING for U,” and “We are everywhere” at the facilities, it’s clear that the suspects were reportedly using the same language as members of Jane’s Revenge, a domestic terrorist group that had been known to firebomb pro-life pregnancy centers – including a CompassCare location in Buffalo last year.

While CompassCare CEO, Jim Harden acknowledges the move – as well as the FBI’s recent announcement of a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of suspects that attack pro-life facilities – he deems it “bittersweet.” 

“It is a win that indictments were made but a loss that it took eight months and the launch of House Judiciary Committee investigation into the FBI to make it happen,” Harden noted in a press statement. “These indictments ought to be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to conspiracy to deprive pro-life citizens of equal protection under the law.

“The fact that the DOJ still refuses to publicly acknowledge the nationwide hate crimes targeting Christian pro-life entities or call it what it is, domestic terror, tells me they are still playing politics with law enforcement.”

Harden (or CompassCare Director of Community Relations Daniel Tomlinson) joins us now to speak further on this matter. His expertise will certainly prove useful.


  1. You note that this arrest, while noteworthy, is “bittersweet.” Do you believe this may be because the Department of Justice won’t continue to move forward with arrests such as these?
  2. Could investigations such as this be hindered by President Joe Biden’s recent Presidential Memorandum that protects chemical abortion and pursues those that are violent to pro-abortion centers?
  3. With this arrest, should the FBI be motivated to move forward with investigating attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers? Or do you think the Republicans will need to push forward with their ongoing investigation through the House Judiciary Committee in order to this to proceed?
  4. This ties in very closely with you at CompassCare, since you’re still seeking answers regarding a firebombing of one of your locations in Buffalo last summer. Has any progress been made on this? If not, how frustrated are you by the lack of results?
  5. 2023 will likely continue to be a year where the battle over abortion continues to heat up. Do you foresee even more violence from Jane’s Revenge and other pro-abortion advocates in the months ahead?
  6. For those that are interested in supporting CompassCare and learning more about the services they provide, where can they go?

You can find out more information on our community page.

About Rev. James Harden…

Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div. is the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services and lives outside of Rochester, NY with his wife and ten children. Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He has written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy.

CONTACT: Gerald McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 919-437-0001.  

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