Special Guests

San Francisco Downgrades Criminal Theft to Misdemeanors

And they wonder why Crimes are Skyrocketing?


In life, there are consequences for dumb decisions—except for politicians. Case in point, the San Francisco city fathers in their infinite wisdom downgraded the penalty for theft of less than $950 from a felony to a misdemeanor.


As a result, crime has been so high, retailers are shutting down. Walgreens is closing five more drug stores in San Francisco.


What’s more, in a recent poll reported by The Hill, more than half of Bay area residents say they plan to move out of town, with 62% citing the lowered quality of life. Yet, the progressive politicians are clueless as to why crime is soaring, and people are leaving.


Joining us in this discussion is police advocate Michael Letts, founder of InVest, a private charity that provides police officers and other first responders with bulletproof vests.




1.)  Tell us about what’s going on in San Francisco.

2.)  Why would politicians downgrade criminal theft to a misdemeanor?

3.)  What impact does this have on the moral of law enforcement and policing in communities and the community as a whole?

4.)  Unless I’m missing something, it appears that the old saying, “Crime does not pay,” no longer true, at least in San Francisco. You can steal all you want and most of the time, not get caught, but they do bust you, it’s like a parking ticket. Am I right? 

5.)  What is the process/procedure to lower criminal penalties?

6.)   Is there a correlation between lower criminal penalties and an increase in crime?

7.)  Your company, InVest is a charitable organization that donates bulletproof vests to law enforcement and other first responders. Tell us what you are doing to help communities.

8.)  How may we learn more about InVest and how to help police officers?

Answer: InVestUSA.org


GUEST: Michael A Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bullet-proof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.   




CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 tamara@ohsweetliberty.com  or  Celinda Hawkins or Jerry McGlothlin at (432) 349 – 2736 or jerry.specialguests@gmail.com

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