Special Guests

In a Time of Crisis, Christians Are “Flooding God’s Inbox” For Israel This Chanukah

Author and Genesis 123 Foundation founder Jonathan Feldstein discusses the surprising outpouring of support as Israel continues to fight Hamas.

Though the holidays – namely this week’s celebration of Hannukah, or Chanukah – are upon us, some aren’t in such a mood to be festive.

This includes many people in Israel, who are dealing with so much as their country continues to fight Hamas across many of its districts. However, they aren’t alone, as a huge outpouring of support is coming from an unlikely support – Christians.

Jonathan Feldstein, author and founder of the Genesis 123 Foundation, has seen a great deal of support across emails, social media posts, media interviews and more regarding the support. But more is needed.

Dr. Juergen Buehler, President of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, noted that the Foundation’s prayer initiative “is absolutely critical at this moment as the State of Israel and Israel’s soldiers need every prayer possible from around the world. They are not fighting only just for the survival and safety of Israel, but they are on the frontlines for Judeo-Christian values for the entire Western world.

“(We need to support this) timely initiative with every single prayer at these critical times.”

Jonathan Feldstein also added, ““Christians around the world can join the Jewish people in these public celebrations by light a candle it in a place that’s visible to the public, recognizing that God alone deserves recognition for these miracles, and that just as He has protected Israel in the past, He will do so today and in the future. And of course, we must continually flood His inbox with our prayers, not because He can’t or won’t do what’s needed, but because we must show Him that we care, and we put our faith and trust in Him.”  

Feldstein joins us now to discuss this initiative further.


  1. How surprised are you at the response you’ve gotten from Christians when it comes to prayers for Israel?
  2. Do you believe you’ll see even more as Chanukah takes place over the next few days?
  3. You’ve seen some of the situation between Israel and Hamas firsthand. How are you feeling about everything that’s taken place?
  4. Where do you see the fight between Hamas and Israel going in the year ahead? Will the situation get worse before it gets better?
  5.  We understand that Genesis 123 Foundation recently launched a petition asking Israel to free all the hostages now. Can you tell us more about it, and how people can help?
  6. We believe you recently discussed a Tanzanian Hamas terror victim that was recently laid to rest with comfort and support from Israel. Can you tell us more about him?
  7. Tell us about the Genesis 123 Foundation.
    1. It is a nonprofit whose mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful.
  8. Where may we find more information on the Genesis 123 Foundation?
    1. Answer: You can learn more at the official website at https://love.genesis123.co/.

About Jonathan Feldstein…

Jonathan lives in Israel and has a son and son-in-law currently serving in the IDF. He has established an emergency fund through his Genesis 123 Foundation:
Israel has suffered barrages of thousands of rockets and missiles fired at Israeli communities creating death, damage, injuries, fear and trauma. The security threats, deaths, injuries, and trauma are at a level unseen in years. 

The Genesis 123 Foundation is standing in the gap to provide emergency needs including civilian security, soldiers’ welfare, those suffering trauma, people whose homes have been destroyed, and emergency medical needs. 
Every donation of any size makes a huge difference. https://love.genesis123.co/

Jonathan Feldstein is president and founder of The Genesis 123 Foundation. Jonathan was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. 

Throughout his life and career, he has been blessed by the calling to fellowship with Christians to serve as a bridge between Jews and Christians and to help connect Christians to Israel in a meaningful way. 

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin, 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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