Special Guests

ENTERTAINMENT EDITORS: Golden Globes/ Maid/ and The Best Eyebrows on the Red Carpet! Guest: Natalie Plain


Golden Globes/ Maid/ and The Best Eyebrows on the Red Carpet!

Suggested Interview Intro:

 NETFLIX’s blockbuster hit “MAID” has been nominated for a Golden Globe and spotlights the struggle of single parents and survivors of domestic violence as they navigate the welfare system. The Netflix series was inspired by a memoir, “Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and  Mother’s Will to Survive” by writer Stephanie Land. American’s and corporate executives’ eyes were opened to the merry-go-round of red tape and lack of resources available, especially for working moms. 

GUEST: Natalie Plain, CEO, and Founder of Billion Dollar Beauty

 What spoke to you about this movie and the main character’s plight?

What moved me was the writer’s commitment to her daughter and her lengths to provide for her. I was frustrated to learn that the government support systems do not function as well as the private sector could do. 

Who had the best and most expressive eyebrows at this year’s Golden Globes?

Entrepreneurs understand hard work and what it takes for people to be successful and get a break. How does Billion Dollar Beauty give back?

I want to challenge entrepreneurs and business owners to work to be part of the solution for elevating people both in our companies and communities.

At Billion Dollar Beauty, we’ve done a few things. First, we work closely with an organization called “Generation Her,” whose principle objective is to help women in the same position as Alex from MAID.

Prior to the pandemic and mask-wearing, the mouth expressed emotion, but now brows have their spotlight, tell us about your Beauty Above the Mask Campaign?

GUEST: Natalie Plain is the CEO/Founder of Billion Dollar Beauty, a multi-million-dollar global beauty company that expands and invests in innovation to make its products sustainable, environmentally safe, and cost-friendly. Equally as crucial to Natalie is her time mentoring future entrepreneurs and sharing her journey with other female leaders, encouraging them to continue to dare to achieve.

Her company website may be found at: https://www.billiondollarbeauty.com/

CONTACT: Tamara Colbert 626-244-5571 or tamara@ohsweetliberty.com or Jerry McGlothlin at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or Celinda Hawkins at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com.

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