Special Guests

BEAUTY ABOVE THE MASK Guest: Natalie Plain

Suggested Interview Intro: Masks aren’t going anywhere any time soon, nor are our Zoom meetings. Women and men have been paying more attention to their eyebrows more than ever as the law of unintended consequences kicked in. Natalie Plain is the CEO and founder of Billion Dollar Beauty. She joins us to offer her best tips on keeping well-groomed for masked encounters and Zoom meetings. Natalie shares that in today’s Covid era, the focus is on the face, more specifically on the eyebrows that frame the eyes and the rest of the face—what’s showing, at least. Natalie, share with us how we may better project what we show above the mask.


  • What’s part do eyebrows play in our overall look?

Eyebrows are an essential part of how we frame our face.

  • How should we present our eyebrows?

There are three points of the brow to be aware of: the front, the arch the end.

  • What are the biggest mistakes people make when doing their own brows, and how do we avoid those mistakes?

Overplucking. Less is definitely more in this case

  • Talk to us about men and the importance in keeping their brows groomed.

Men definitely need their brows on point. It’s part of their grooming and self-care.

  • Lastly, there are all kinds of issues in the last year that have caused hair loss: stress, COVID, aging, etc. What do you advise for thinning eyebrows?

It’s been a tough year and a half for everyone. However, there are numerous ways to fill in a thinning brow. We have powder, pomade, and a microblade pen at Billion Dollar Brows, all fantastic for filling those spots.

Natalie Plain is the CEO/Founder of Billion Dollar Beauty, a company she started 18 years ago out of her one-bedroom Los Angeles apartment using credits cards and a whole lot of tenacity. Today BDB is a multi-million-dollar global company that continues to expand and invest in innovation to make its products sustainable, environmentally safe, and cost-friendly. Equally as crucial to Natalie is her time mentoring future entrepreneurs and sharing her journey with other female leaders, encouraging them to continue to dare to achieve. Her company website is at: https://www.billiondollarbeauty.com/

CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins at CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 432-349-2736 or Tamara Colbert 626-244-5571.

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