Special Guests

House Committee on January 6 Guest: Michael Letts


Suggested Interview Intro:

It’s been just about one year since the U.S. citizens entered the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.

Some say it was an exercise of free speech. Others say it was an outright invasion. Joining us in this discussion is a policeman, Michael Letts, the founder of InVest USA, a charitable organization providing Active Shooter Vests to police and other first responders.

Suggested Interview Talking Points:

1.   The Focus of the House Committee on January 6 seems to be questioning whether President Trump instigated or aided the protestors by not responding or doing enough. However, key questions remain as to how the event took place. For example, there are over 1,000 hours of video from security cameras throughout the U.S. Capitol Complex that federal authorities have never released. So the logical question is: Why is this key evidence being withheld from the public?

1.   What do these hours of video show–U.S. Capital police opening doors and motioning for the public to come into the buildings, instead of the rhetoric promoted by so many liberal socialist-leaning members of the mainstream news media that claim “terrorists” overran police and smashed through doors and barricades to “overthrow” the Government.



2.   How could this have been an invasion when none of the so-called invaders had guns or knives, including veteran Ashley Babbitt, who was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer.

Answer: It wasn’t an invasion, and most intellectually honest people in high places know that.


      3) Besides not having the videotapes released, where are the transcripts of communication between the Speaker of the House, and the House Sargent at Arms concerning the contingency plan the agency would have since there is sworn testimony on record that the Capitol Police had known for days prior of the thousands of rally attendees who were desirous of watching the joint session of Congress certify the Electoral College results of the Presidential Election?

1.   The Sargeant at Arms for the U.S. House of Representatives is appointed and answerable to the U.S. Speaker of the House. Therefore, a communication trail exists between both parties on January 6, 2021, as well as earlier days as to current operations during that day. This includes preparations and contingency plans being made prior to the event. Those emails, texts, etc. are critical for understanding what transpired on January 6, and what role various personnel played, Why the refusal to turn over public documents to sort out the event?


3.   Where are the communication logs of the National Guard and the Mayor of D.C., and the U.S. Capital Police showing their decline of the offer of assistance days prior, and the very day? What rationale was given if there was prior knowledge that thousands would be storming the U.S. Capital to overthrow the Government?

1.   The fact remains that there is sworn congressional testimony that there was concern and knowledge days prior to Jan.6th, 2021 of a possible “Coup Attempt”, yet no contingency action plan was implemented, and offers of military assistance were declined…….makes no sense.


4) What provisions were made to ensure all officers had tactical gear, vests, and equipment in light of the knowledge of a planned “coup attempt” that has been stated the U.S. Capital Police were aware days prior?       

       Why are many of the Officers /U.S. Capital Police not in tactical gear based on photographs taken that day? What happened to their gear?

1.   It is obvious that there were abnormal procedures implemented outside of protocol during this Jan,6th, event……by tapes, emails, texts, contingency plans, and graphs, being denied access to the American public, it becomes necessary in the realm of reason to question the motivation behind these unanswered or deliberate unasked questions.


5) Why is InVest USA concerned about this issue, and what is it doing to support First Responders in this event?

1.   It concerns all of law enforcement nationwide when transparency is not readily available to the general citizenry they are charged to protect. Distrust is cast upon law enforcement involved in particular and upon law enforcement in general. That has a devastating effect on officers who had no bulletproof vest to protect them.

6) What can individuals or communities do to assist InVest USA and our First Responders?

       A) Visit https://www.investusa.org/


GUEST: Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots nonprofit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.



CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Celinda Hawkins or Jerry McGlothlin at Special Guests PR Agency at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com



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