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5th Circuit Ruling Could Cut U.S. Abortion by 15%—140,000 Fewer Abortions

The U.S. 5th Circuit Court ruled against the FDA’s “unlawful” deregulation of the dangerous chemical abortion drug, Mifepristone. The court’s ruling will not go into effect until after the Supreme Court reviews the decision and determines if it will step in or let the 5th Circuit’s ruling stand. If let stand, the ruling could cut the nation’s abortion numbers by as much as 15%, says pro-life strategist and medical ethicist, Rev. Jim Harden. 

Even if SCOTUS allows the 5th Circuit ruling to stand, Mifepristone will still be available in abortion hub states like New York.

Joining us now is Rev. Jim Harden who warns that “pro-lifers should be cautiously optimistic.”  


  1. The U.S. 5th Circuit Court ruled against the FDA, calling their deregulation of the chemical abortion Mifepristone “unlawful.” What’s next?

Answer: The court’s ruling will not go into effect until after the Supreme Court reviews the decision and determines if it will step in or let the 5th Circuit’s ruling stand. If let stand, the ruling could cut the nation’s abortion numbers by as much as 15%.

  • The Court’s ruling will reset the FDA’s approval of Mifepristone to its Clinton-era status. What does that entail?

Answer: This means that 1) a doctor must confirm the pregnancy prior to dispensing the drug, 2) it cannot be dispensed after 7 weeks gestation, 3) only a doctor can dispense the drugs, 4) there must be follow-up to ensure no adverse events from the dangerous drug have occurred, and 5) that all adverse events from the drug’s use be reported to the FDA.

  • Does this have implications for mailing chemical abortions?

Answer: The Court also reiterated that it has been and still remains illegal to send Mifepristone through the mail per the Comstock Act.

  • The next step is to wait and see what the Supreme Court will do—pick up the case or let the 5thCircuit’s ruling stand. What do you see as being the result here?

Answer: Even if SCOTUS allows the 5th Circuit ruling to stand, Mifepristone will still be available in abortion hub states like New York. New York State, has promised to protect abortionists from criminal liability for mailing the drugs across state lines in violation of state or federal law. Because of this, women are more at risk for chemical abortion injury now than ever before.

  • What steps have blue states taken to override this decision?

Answer: In preparation for this moment, states like NY, IL, and WA have been stockpilingdangerous chemical abortion drugs.

  • Circling back, you said that, if let stand, this ruling could reduce U.S abortion numbers by 15%. Tell us more.

Answer: Since the growing number of states restricting abortion represent 30% of all abortion and half of all abortions are chemical, this decision would cut abortion numbers in the U.S. by as much as 140,000 per year.

  • What is your message to pro-life people?

Answer: Pro-lifers should be cautiously optimistic. Pending the Supreme Court’s review, the drug remains available to women without medical oversight. Furthermore, the abortion industry continues to illegally ship the drug to women’s homes in violation of U.S.C. 18 sections 1461 and 1462.

  • Will this ruling ignite more violence against pro-life pregnancy centers, as the leak of the Dobbsdecision did?

Answer: The 5th Circuit’s ruling and the Supreme Court’s pending decision (or lack thereof) may spark increased attacks against pro-life pregnancy centers. CompassCare’s security team has notified the local police and is on heightened alert. 

  • Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare?

Answer: Go to CompassCareCoimmunity.com.

About Rev. Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children.

Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbs in 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com.  

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