Special Guests

Who’s Fooling Who? (Randall Terry makes the New York Times)

Democrats Choosing to Align with Pro-Life Champion

In the case of Democrats choosing to align with Pro-Life champion and Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, Randall Terry, the former is choosing the strategy that invokes an ancient proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. However, Democrats may be in the process of taking Terry’s bait, thanks to a New York Times article about Terry that he says is rife with flaws.

“Who do you trust more,” Terry asks rhetorically, “Fox News or the New York Times?” Terry points to an interview he did with Fox News recently, that accurately communicates his strategy of helping Trump and insists that juxtaposing the two (today’s New York Times article and his Fox News Interview) only torpedoes the New York Times’ credibility.

Watch Terry’s interview with Fox News

Read the New York Times article:

Terry has been very clear about why he’s in this race and it’s not what some Democrats who are poised to donate to Terry’s campaign might think. You see, Terry is running to take votes AWAY from Democrats, who he says have descended into a pit so evil and wicked that even a significant contingent of their voters can’t abide what they’re doing when it comes to abortion.

Watch this POWERFUL NEW AD from Terry For President, called “My Mom”

Learn why Randall Terry is the Constitution Party’s candidate for President TO HELP TRUMP:

Terry understands that Trump is a polarizing figure but he also says that there are Democrats out there who not only can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump but who find themselves increasingly unable to vote for baby killing Democrats. To those people, he says, “Vote for me”. In so doing, Terry believes he’s taking votes away from Democrats, not Trump.

Yet, according to the New York Times, some wealthy Democrat donors and operatives are actively working to help Terry get on the ballot in swing states. These people obviously see Terry as an ally of convenience, a means to their desired ends – the election of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Terry sees the Democrats in an entirely different light. He says they are a party that is evil and needs to be destroyed beyond recognition.

Here is a link to today’s New York Times article on Terry:

1.) Randall Terry, you’ve described your campaign as a strategic move to take votes away from Democrats. How do you respond to critics who argue that your candidacy could inadvertently benefit Trump?
2.) How do you reconcile your pro-life stance with the fact that some Democrats are supporting your campaign to weaken the Democratic vote?
3.) Can you elaborate on the specific reasons you believe the Democratic Party has descended into a state of moral corruption, especially concerning abortion?
4.) What are your thoughts on the strategy of some Democratic donors who are working to get you on the ballot in swing states? Do you see them as genuine allies or as using you for their own ends?
5.) How do you plan to address the concerns of Democrats who are disillusioned with their party but may find your positions too extreme?
6.) Given your focus on pro-life issues, how do you plan to appeal to voters who might prioritize other issues like the economy or healthcare?
7.) What specific policies or actions do you propose to address the issues you see in the Democratic Party?
8.) How do you respond to accusations that your candidacy could lead to a scenario where neither side of the political spectrum benefits, potentially leading to a situation of political stagnation?
9.) In what ways do you believe your presidency could make a difference compared to the current candidates, particularly in addressing the issues you have with both major parties?
10.) How do you address concerns that your campaign might be seen as a disruptive force rather than a constructive one in the current political landscape?

Randall Allan Terry, Founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Mr. Terry led the largest civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994. He has been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons.

Here is his website: https://www.terry2024.com/about

Randall Terry has been a Pro-Life Leader, Trainer, Speaker, Musician and Author for 30 years. He has a Master’s in Foreign Relations and Islamic Studies. His knowledge of history, candor, and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, and a vital teacher to those that wish to learn. He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders.

His life has been threatened multiple times, requiring the intervention of law enforcement, and relocation for security reasons. He is an internationally known TV guest, author, lecturer, filmmaker, talk show host, and musician.

Randall has been a guest on: Oprah, 60 Minutes, Meet the Press, Nightline, Hannity, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, 20/20, 48 Hours, TBN, Scarborough Country, Crossfire, Sonya Live, Donahue, Sally Jesse-Raphael, BBC, Italian Television, Niko Television, Telemundo, ABC World News Tonight, CBS News, and NBC News.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or Bookings@SpecialGuests.com

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