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Supreme Court Could Hand Down Ruling in Texas Abortion Case in Days or Weeks since Mississippi Roe v Wade Test Case set for Dec. 1 Guests: Spokesperson from The Justice Foundation

Guests: Spokesperson from The Justice Foundation

The United States Supreme Court may issue a ruling on a Texas abortion case in just days or weeks. Why? Because a second high-profile abortion case is set for oral argument on December 1.

The complicated yet connected cases determine when and if abortions are legal and who can sue for damages if illegal abortions are performed. For example, during the November 1 oral arguments in the Texas case, Justice Clarence Thomas implied that individual citizens should be their own attorney generals.

Weighing in on both the legal and personal aspects of the dual cases is Cindy Collins, one of 2249 women who filed Friend of the Court Amicus Briefs attesting that their abortions injured them, and her Attorney Allan Parker, President of the Justice Foundation.


  1. Tell us about the November 1 oral arguments for the Texas abortion case.
  2. What might we glean by the tone of some of the justices?
  3. What ruling do you expect on it?
  4. Would you mind sharing with us details of the upcoming Mississippi abortion case and its likelihood of overturning Roe v Wade, thus outlawing abortion nationally?
  5. Abortion is widely heralded as a safe procedure for women. Do you agree or disagree that abortions are safe?


1.  Who are the Women Injured By Abortion?

Answer: 2,249 courageous women injured by their abortions who filed a Friend of the Court (Amicus) Brief in the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs case (Mississippi ban on abortion after 15 weeks) asking the Court to reverse Roe v. Wade to stop “devastating psychological consequences” and “severe depression, loss of esteem” to women.

2.  Who are the spokespersons on this Amicus Brief?


            Cindy Collins –
            Molly White –
            Luana Stoltenberg –
            Joyce Brown –
            Myra Myers – (plus others)

3.  The Supreme Court has recognized since 1992 in Planned Parenthood v. Casey that abortion can cause women “devastating psychological consequences” and “severe depression and loss of esteem” in Gonzales v. Carhart (2007). How have these and other women like them suffered from abortion?

4. What is Operation Outcry?

Answer: It is a movement of women telling the truth that to people and the courts that abortion hurts women.

5.  Where can you find more information?

Answer: At www.operationoutcry.org


1.  Who is Hannah S.?

            The first formerly frozen human embryo to file a Friend of the Court Brief at the U.S. Supreme Court in American history.

2.  Which case? 

Dobbs – The Mississippi ban on late term abortion after 15 weeks, set for Oral Argument on December 1, 2021.

3.  Why is that case important?

            It could lead to the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

4.  How was Hannah fertilized and adopted?

In vitro fertilization outside her mother, then artificially frozen outside her mother’s womb, then placed into her adoptive mother’s, Marlene, womb.

5.  What does her life prove that could lead to the reversal of Roe v. Wade?

Roe said that abortion could be banned “after viability”. Viability was defined as “capable of living outside the mother’s womb, albeit with artificial aid.” Her life experience irrefutably establishes that with today’s science, viable life begins at fertilization and thus abortion should be permissibly banned from fertilization and continues until birth if states choose to do so.

6.  Where do you get more information? www.thejusticefoundation.org  


1.  What is The Moral Outcry Petition?

            A petition drive that has collected over 500,000 signatures asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade and has filed a Friend of the Court brief in the Mississippi case which could reverse Roe v. Wade. Oral Argument is December 1, 2021. 

2.  Who founded it?

            Melinda Thybault (pronounced Tebo) in 2017.

3.  What is in the Petition?

The Petition is a public interest litigation strategy that answers the question: “Legally, why should Roe be reversed now under “The Law of Judicial Precedent”?

4.  Why is this timely?

In Dobbs, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether Roe v. Wade should be reversed.

5.  What are the reasons for reversing Roe v. Wade that could build consensus in the Court and America?

1.  New science shows human life begins at conception. Killing infant life is a
Crime Against Humanity.

2.  New evidence shows abortion hurts many thousands of women.

3.  Safe Haven laws in every state now give women the freedom of Roe v. Wade, freedom from the unwanted “child” without killing the baby or injuring the women.  She can safely relinquish her child to the state at any hospital, fire station, or other designated safe place within a stipulated time after birth, usually 3, 30, 60, or 90 days, without charge.

4.  1-2 million families per year are waiting to adopt newborn children.

6.  Who would be the guests?

            Founder Melinda Thybault and her attorney, Allan E. Parker, President of The Justice

7.  Where can I find more information?


CONTACT: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 919-437-0001

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com or Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 Tamara@ohsweetliberty.com or Celinda Hawkins at (432) 349-2736 jerry.specialguests@gmail.com.

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