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4 Abortion Cases before the U.S. Supreme Court: Any one of them could overturn Roe v. Wade

The United States Constitution enshrined our rights as Americans to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But does that right include pre-born American citizens? Thus, the argument: Is a pre-born child human or just a blob of tissue?

Since the 1973 the landmark abortion case, Roe v Wade, there have been more than 50 MILLION abortions. Back in 1973, technology wasn’t nearly as advanced as it is today. Now, with 4-D ultrasounds, mothers and fathers can see distinct features on the face of their pre-born child.

But that’s not all that’s changed in 46 years. The current Supreme Court has Trump appointees who tip the scale to the conservative side.

There are four cases that may soon be brought before the Supreme Court, any one of which could overturn Roe v Wade, thus banning abortions.

Here to discuss this topic is Joe Sixpack, author of the book “Socialism Sucks Your Money from Your Pocket.” 


1.        Tell us about the 4 cases coming before the high court and which of them might be most likely to outlaw abortions.

2.        In your opinion is abortion a medical procedure or murder?

3.        What is the difference between killing and murder?

4.        Does the commandment against killing apply to abortion?

5.        Is a developing fetal human being in the womb a separate life or just part of a woman’s body?

6.        When does life begin in the womb?

7.        Is the concept of killing for convenience consistent with Judeo-Christian principles?

8.        Who is the biggest abortion provider and what can you tell us about their founder?

9.        What does Almighty God have to do with abortion to begin with?

10.     You wrote a book called “Socialism Sucks Your Money from Your Pocket” that is available at Amazon.com and in bookstores. It includes discussions about abortion. What other issues does it cover?   

MORE info for show prep on the largest causes of death in America: 

The third-largest loss of American lives was caused by the Civil War that claimed 620,000 American lives. After that American tragedy, Abraham Lincoln extolled the sacrifices of those who died at Gettysburg in defense of those principles, and exhorted his listeners to resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom[8]—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

The second-largest loss of American lives was caused by the ‘Spanish Flu’ in 1918 that killed 675,000 Americans.

Heart disease 635,000 lives per year.

Cancer kills 598,000 Americans per year. 

But the largest loss of American lives that eclipses all others was caused by the Roe vs. Wade decision that paved the way for more than 50 million pre-born Americans to die in their mothers’ wombs through abortion with more than 1 million new abortions every year.

About Joe Sixpack…

Joe Sixpack is the author of the book Socialism Sucks Your Money from Your Pocket and publisher of the social media page Real Joe Sixpack at: http://facebook.com/realjoesixpack 

Joe was born into a lower middle-class family in the late 1960’s, a bouncing bundle of joy for Mr. and Mrs. Sixpack. Joe’s parents raised him on a heavy dose of common sense. At the time, common sense was far more common than it is today. In fact, today, common sense is actually controversial. When you use it, you’re actually stirring the pot. As a young adult, Joe graduated from the school of hard knocks. While he rebelled against authority in his youth, he simultaneously respected the laws of the land (well, at least the ones that made sense). While Joe never started a fight, he finished each one. Through hard work, Joe was able to elevate himself into a modest upper middle-class existence. Each day, Joe strives to improve his lot in life by utilizing the capitalist system that is the free market. He never seeks handouts. You could do much worse than emulating this guy. Joe loves God, country, classic cars, shooting guns and rock ‘n roll.

About the book, Socialism Sucks Your Money from Your Pocket, by Joe Sixpack (2019 Clovercroft Publishing) …

Imagine working hard to earn or achieve something, then after you get it, you’re told you must give some or all of it away in the name of fairness. That principle is at the heart of Socialism – and it sucks!

Only wicked people who benefit are the ones who take from achievers and give to deadbeats. They also have a much larger and darker plan. They are not interested in fairness at all.

They want to steal in the name of fairness, then control you because what they really want is wealth and power without working for it honestly.

They will also lie at every turn to get that wealth and power. As a young man or woman, you are going to enter the real world and have Socialists posing as teachers and professors who want to brainwash you into believing Socialism doesn’t suck – don’t believe them!

Maybe you’re a parent who is concerned about the future of your child. Socialism Sucks is the perfect remedy. Instead of listening to Socialists, your son or daughter needs common sense.

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