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Supreme Court is Vital to Overturning Trump Conviction (Guest: Kenin Spivak)

The U.S. Supreme Court could overturn the 34 convictions of former President Donald Trump. But the questions are: would they, and if so, how quickly? The court tends to move slowly, and may be unwilling to jump into the New York case.  But, with the presidential election on the line, this may be an exception – just as the Supreme Court intervened in the 2000 presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush. 

You may remember, Gore narrowly lost in Florida, so Florida did a recount. He lost the recount, so Democrats insisted on another recount, but with new rules. When that, too, failed, Democrats insisted on yet another. The intent was clear and simple: They would do variations on recounts until they found a method that put Gore on top.

The Supreme Court stepped in and stopped the nonsense. 

Trump’s conviction in New York influences the electorate.  And, if Judge Merchan restricts Donald Trump in any way, that directly interferes in the election itself.  The Democrats are seeking to win in court, rather than at the ballot box.

Kenin Spivak (SPIV-ak) is an attorney and is also a writer for The American Mind magazine of the Claremont Institute. He recently detailed the litany of errors that led to the very shaky conviction.

Welcome, Kenin.


1. In your American Mind article that landed Monday, you said “the U.S. Supreme Court might accept an appeal on the grounds that Trump’s conviction improperly interferes in the 2024 election.” Do you believe the Supreme Court will step in and overturn these convictions?

2. What must be done to make that happen?

3. What are the parallels to the 2000 election when the Supreme Court stepped in?

4. Will Democrats demand the three Trump appointees recuse themselves?

                  Is there any chance that will work?

5. Do you believe Democrats will work to discredit the Supreme Court even before a decision is handed down?

6. What are some of the reasons you believe the Supreme Court could overturn this?

                  What are reasons they may not?

7. You list so many issues with this trial – what are some that you believe will get the attention of the Supreme Court?

8. In your article in The American Mind, you mentioned “Democrats are far better at weaponizing the justice system.” What did you mean by that?

9. How can Republicans fight back?

About Kenin Spivak:

Renown financier Michael Milken recruited Mr. Spivak to develop media opportunities. To do so, Mr. Spivak co-founded and was CEO of Archon Communications. Mr. Spivak brought in Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorporation as an investor, acquired control of media companies, including industry-leader Premiere Radio Networks, and guided the portfolio to success. As chairman of the Premiere Radio Networks executive committee, Spivak invigorated the company and then sold both Archon and Premiere to Jacor for a considerable profit. He next served as chairman of the independent directors’ committee of Metro Traffic Networks, the global leader in traffic and news reporting and directed that company’s sale to Viacom for $1.9 billion ($3.3 billion in current dollars).

Mr. Spivak also led major studio MGM/UA Communications Co. as its chief operating officer, and served as chairman or vice chairman of leading independent film and television production and distribution companies; produced theatrical motion pictures released by 20th Century Fox and animated DVD’s for children; produced and hosted radio and television public affairs and talk series in New York City; and acquired, led and sold publishers Phoenix New Millennium and Knowledge Exchange. He wrote the thriller, The Karasik Conspiracy, served as chairman of the editorial board for The Knowledge Exchange Business Encyclopedia, distributed by Warner Books, and contributed to Larry King’s Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, a compendium of essays on the justice system.


For detailed inquiries or to arrange an interview with Kenin Spivak, please contact Jerry McGlothlin geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

Kenin’s article on the trial errors: https://americanmind.org/salvo/reversible-errors/

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