Special Guests

Yes, Governor Cuomo Resigned, but Where’s the Indictments?

Yes, Governor Cuomo Resigned, but Where’s the Indictments?

The world is abuzz about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s resignation. But where are the indictments?

What is the message Gov. Cuomo’s resignation delivers to America’s Law Enforcement community? A job well done, or evidence of a two-tiered justice system?

Our guest, Michael Letts, is president of In-Vest, a private charity providing bullet-proof vests to the law enforcement community, as well as to other first responders. Michael Letts contends that there is a huge double standard out there wherein people can abuse police officers with impunity, or a big city governor can abuse multiple women, and simply resign and get on with life, possibly without any indictments.

Welcome Michael.


  1. Governor Cuomo resigned. Is that enough to satisfy you and the women who say they were sexually abused by the former governor of New York?

Answer: Millions of dollars in resources and manpower led to justice by public perception which is manipulated by the money and influence that Gov. Cuomo has in abundance resulting in NO indictments as yet. This luxury is not afforded to average Americans. We must not have a two-tier justice system that exists that the people despise.

  1. What kind of standard do you think elected officials should be held to?

Answer: Elected officials, social influencers, and celebrities must be held to the highest standard of the legal system—if NY Governor Cuomo skirts these egregious violations, then the American people will see that there is a two-tiered level of justice: one for regular Americans and one for the highest level of political influencers in the Democrat party.

  1. How would an indictment-less resignation impact law enforcement?

Answer: When injustice prevails, it demoralizes the entire law enforcement community, as well as the victims of the crime. No one should be above the law.

  1. This matter extends beyond sexual allegations, does it not?

Answer: Yes, the NY Attorney General’s report additionally found that Gov. Cuomo had harassed a state trooper assigned to his protective detail.

  1. It’s still early. Do you think there will be any indictments?

Answer: As a former law enforcement professional, I am wondering where the indictments are against Gov. Cuomo. The law in socialist countries depends upon who is in power, so I am skeptical that anything at all will result in this investigation. I seriously question whether any indictments will ever come.  

  1. If there are no indictments, what message does this send to these 11 victims?

Answer: They will understandably conclude justice was not serviced under the 2-tier justice system.

  1. The end of the report says the AG’s office will continue to pursue the case? What does that mean? 

Pursuing a case can either be lip service or it can and should be true pursuit that includes indictments.

  1. Tell us more about In-Vest and how you support police officers.
  2. Where may we get more information about In-Vest and how may we support your efforts?

Answer: https://www.investusa.org/


CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 tamara@ohsweetliberty.com or Celinda Hawkins (432) 349 – 2736 cemison@gmail.com



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