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Windshine’s Alan White Discusses the Power of Electric Turbines

Windshine Electric Generators are ready to lead the business market into the future. But first, a little background about what they’re about.

Windshine’s enclosed bladed wind turbine electric generator designs were just 10 years ahead of their time. But at this point, the wind production industry needs Windshine’s production platforms. Its generator design has been known to industry insiders for some time, but now it’s time for the public to know. Big wind can become better wind and small wind is now possible. Enclosed bladed units will mitigate all the unwanted designs of current exposed blade wind turbines. That means no more 400 ft towers, no bird kills, no whoosh noises; no shadow dancing. It also means producing more power, but with far less maintenance.

Like airplane jets engines, scalability in size is now attainable with this technology. Scalable from utility to commercial, residential, EV units for the cars trucks and drones and aero, marine and standalone communication sites’ plus more. The possibilities to be able to provide power become endless as the scales become designed. Power production will become more personal. 

The car models will have a self-crank function that will provide utmost in safety and the one for F1 cars will have them change how they do recharge now. The EV ones charge and safety. Scalability from utility size to smaller than a 2 liter bottle makes the potential for these to have a dramatic impact on providing additional power for the people.

The company’s CEO and patent holder, Alan White, now joins us to discuss this further.


  1. How does enclosing the blades change the potential for wind generation? 
  • How will the EV units help the electric auto and truck industry? 
  • What other product verticals are there with wind power produced in this way?
  • Where can we find more information about Windshine electric generators?
  1. You can visit the official site at https://www.fundable.com/windshine-electric-generators.

About Alan White…

Alan White is an accomplished executive and former manufactures rep that utilized his creative and technical skills to design the next generation in wind generated electric power. 1998 Ind candidate for Governor of Arizona. He is currently CEO and patent holder for Windshine.

He is also strong on International Energy policy, and for all forms of electricity production. These include oil, gas, nuclear, hydro, coal, geothermal, wind, tidal and solar. According to Alan, “All have a place in this market, and dedicated power is the key with supplemental doing its part.”

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001

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