Special Guests

Why Is it That Leadership Fails, and What Can Be Done To Prepare Us For Success? (Guest: Gareth Gwyn)

Author and Let’s See Labs founder Gareth Gwyn breaks down where leadership can fail, and what can be done to turn things around.

While a number of businesses have seen great success over the past few years, there have been others that have quickly closed down, mainly due to lack of business. But some have also succumbed due to the lack of strong leadership.

There are a lot of aspects that can go into the failure of leadership. This includes failing to educate and mentor team members properly, not being able to properly recognize their efforts (this is a big one, since it usually motivates them to leave that company for “greener pastures”), failing to do anything about the decrease in employee morale (another factor for them leaving), and poor quality of work. That last one is probably the biggest factor, because if the work fails, the customers aren’t likely to be satisfied, and will take their business elsewhere.

So how does this happen? What makes a leader falter like this? It could be anything, from simply being focused on one aspect of the business (money, customers) without worrying about the others, or simply failing to take care of others in the best way possible. (There’s a reason so many memes are making the rounds about employees asking for raises and instead getting a mere pizza party as a “remedy” to their problems.)

Can anything be done about poor leadership before it has lasting effects on a company, possibly even leading to its closure? Here to discuss this further is Gareth Gwyn, the author of the book You Are Us: How To Build Bridges In a Polarized World, which discusses how people can go through the power of inner change, which leads to growth. Gareth is also the founder of Let’s See Labs, which provides a variety of interactive classes to help people with sociocultural transformation that will help them in the ever-changing world of business. Her expertise will prove very useful in this matter.


  1. What do you think is the one big thing that affects someone’s ability to be a good leader, especially in today’s business market?
  2. Does money play a big part in how someone acts in the business space? Can too much really turn off someone from caring about the business and its employees? We only wonder because we’ve seen a few CEO’s that think like this.
  3. What are some qualities you think businesses should look for when it comes to deciding a good leader?
  4. If someone’s running into leadership problems, what’s the best way to “right the ship,” as it were? Recognizing the problems that stop them from being a good leader? Perhaps something else?
  5. Why is it that some businesses just don’t take good care of their employees? A pizza party seems to only go so far to motivate them.
  6. Tell us more about your book, You Are Us: How To Build Bridges In a Polarized World, and the process you went through when it came to selecting your interview subjects.
  7. Tell us more about Let’s See Labs, and how you went about creating the program. Who do you believe would benefit the most from these sessions?
  8. What’s probably the best general advice you could provide for those looking to become strong leaders in the business world?
  9. Where can we learn more about You Are Us and the workshops?

The book is available for purchase here on Amazon; and you can find more information on everything we do with Let’s See Labs over on BuildBridges.US!

About Gareth Gwyn…

Gareth Gwyn is committed to establishing a new global vision of leadership founded on self-inquiry and restorative practices. She is the author of You Are Us: How to Build Bridges in a Polarized World, a book woven with real stories that explore how we can each help bridge our cultural divides regardless of who we are and where we came from. She is also the founder of Let’s See Labs, an organization that produces films, writing, and team workshops that facilitate sociocultural transformation at the individual level by embracing creative polarity. Gareth earned her MA in Digital Communication at the School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests PR Agency at 919-437-0001 or geraldmcg@outlook.com.

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