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What Did Netanyahu and Putin Discuss at the Jerusalem Holocaust Conference?

Adam Schiff would say, “Rigging the American Elections!”

Intro: World leaders have just returned from a Holocaust commemoration in Jerusalem, 75 years after the Auschwitz liberation. 

Nancy Pelosi was good enough to take time off from watching the Senate impeachment trial she set in motion. French President Emmanuel Macron and Mike Pence shot the breeze. But the big question was: “What did Putin and Netanyahu talk about?”

Our guest David Rubin, former mayor in Israel, says Adam Schiff is so obsessed with his political vendetta against President Trump, and having lost all sense of reality he would have us believe they talked about rigging the American elections!

To find out what Putin and Netanyahu really spoke about, joining us from Jerusalem, Middle East expert David Rubin, author of the book, “Trump and the Jews”.

Suggested Q&A:

  1. One would ordinarily think the discussions would be limited to the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. What makes Adam Schiff think that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin talked about rigging the American elections?

Answer: I don’t think he really believes that. It’s all part of his Trump Derangement Syndrome that prevents him from seeing the reality of what’s happening on the international stage. And it’s not about petty politics and political vendettas.  

  1. What they really likely talk about?

Answer: Weighty issues like the conflicts in Iran and Syria, and the assessment of Israeli intel that Iran is only one year away from having a nuclear bomb. 

  1. Why the immediate concern? Doesn’t Israeli and American intel say that the missile capability to deliver an Iranian atomic bomb is still two years away?
    Answer: Yes, but two years pass by very quickly, plus there are more ways to deliver and detonate a nuclear device than just with missiles. Intel shows the actual completion of the first atomic bomb by Iran is less than one year at the rate they are going. Both Netanyahu and Putin know the world would be a safer place without Iran getting the bomb, but Putin needs some cover, and Bibi and Putin can, with a wink and a nod, agree to play dumb if the Iranian nuclear sites just happen to have an ‘accident.’  
  1. Seriously, you can’t really expect Iran to use a nuclear device against a tiny nation like Israel. That would be suicidal.

Answer: That’s precisely the point. The radical Mullah regime of Iranian leaders has already shown clearly that they are suicidal. They have been behind more terrorism than anyone else in the world—and that includes terror by suicide. Think about it. What’s the difference between a suicide mission with 20 pounds of plastic explosives strapped to your back versus detonating a suitcase nuke? Either way, you’re equally dead. 

  1. What kind of preparation are you suggesting?
    Answer: I always say that the best defense is a good offense. I am calling for multiple preemptive strikes on Iran’s nuclear research facilities as the most effective way of stopping Iranian aggression. Perhaps that is what Putin and Netanyahu are agreeing to, off the record. 
  1.  In the latest debate, Bernie Sanders warned that President Trump is lying and dragging us to war. Given what you’ve just recommended, is Bernie right? Should we just leave Iran alone?
    Answer: We Israelis know the pain of war and terrorism far better than Bernie. I was wounded in a terrorist shooting attack and my three-year-old son was shot in the head in that attack. Furthermore, my other son, sixteen years old, just went for his first pre-conscription army physical. Bernie knows nothing about war, but one thing that should be clear, even to him, is that barring an internal overthrow of the Iranian regime, a preemptive strike may be needed.
  1. In your book “Trump and the Jews” you wrote a lot about Iran and other threats President Trump would face. Tell us about that and where we may get a copy of Trump and the Jews. 

Answer: Go to www.DavidRubinIsrael.com  or just go to Amazon.com and type in the words “Trump and the Jews”.
Bio: David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the book, “Trump and the Jews” and five other books. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. He can be found at www.DavidRubinIsrael.com  or at http://www.ShilohIsraelChildren.org

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