Special Guests

Undercover Child Predator Sting Leads to Arrests of Several Disney Employees, says Sheriff Grady Judd

Interview opportunity with Joe Dallas

Intro: Is it must my imagination or are sexual scandals reaching fever pitch? The attorney general of New York just released findings from the bombshell investigation of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s purported sexual harassment. And now, the Rated-G Disney company has seen several of its employees arrested in an undercover child predator sting. What’s going on? Is our society falling apart at the seams? Helping us sort out these recent seeming unthinkable headlines is author and pastoral counselor Joe Dallas. 

Talking Points:

1. Some of those arrested in this recent undercover child predator sting were Disney employees.  Do you feel that the entertainment industry, beyond just Disney, bears any responsibility for this kind of behavior?

Answer: The entertainment industry has, in recent years, released movies with positive portrayals of relationships between adults and minors, so yes, I do feel the industry bears some responsibility for this.

2. Do you feel that identity movements like LGBTQ contribute in any way to the exploitation of children?

Answer: Not directly, but indirectly. Most lesbians, gays, and trans people are vehemently opposed to child-adult sex. But when we sexualize children early in life by indoctrinating them with sexual information they are not ready for, and by affirming their “right” to sexual experimentation, then we shouldn’t be surprised when both they and adults feel free to sexually cross generational lines.

3. The so-called “woke” and “cancel culture” movements seem largely supported by young people. Do you see any correlation between this and the problem of child exploitation?

Again, not directly, but indirectly. When we overthrow modesty among our young people, and demonize people who hold traditional views, then we set young people up to overthrow not only traditional teaching about sex, but also traditional teaching about when and with whom sex is appropriate.

4. Your book “Christians in a Cancel Culture” criticizes the cancel culture for suppressing the Judeo-Christian viewpoint. DO you think if that viewpoint was still widely held today, we would still have the problem of child molestation?

Yes, because that problem has always existed. But as I point out in my book, problems like that are more restrained in a culture which allows the traditional moral view to flourish.

5. What sexual issues does your book cover?

Transgenderism, homosexuality, abortion, and a Biblical perspective on what our Creator intended when He created us as sexual beings. As I stress in this book, we are sexual by definition, so managing that part of our lives is one of our biggest personal and cultural challenges.

6. Where may we get a copy of your book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture”?

GUEST BIO: Joe Dallas is an author, conference speakers, and pastoral counselor with expertise and training in Biblical counseling and coaching related to Christianity and human sexuality. He is a sought-after speaker featured in a variety of media outlets, including ABC News, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, and Christianity Today, among others. Visit Joe’s complete bio here at joedallas.com.

AVAILABILITY: Immediate, located in Pacific Time.

MEDIA CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins (432) 349-2736 cemison@gmail.com   

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