Special Guests

TOPIC: Time to Re-fund the Police as Local Law Enforcement Become the Key to Countering Future Terror Attacks in the US

Police work when done properly, is effective at reducing crime. Proactive policing is more effective in crime-prevention than reactive policing—and if federal law enforcement and government agencies want to avoid terror attacks, then local law enforcement must be part of the national security equation. Local law enforcement has never been more important to countering terrorism than right now.” Michael Letts, CEO/Founder of InVest USA.

As America approaches the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, countering the threat of terror has again taken center stage with the debacle in Afghanistan unfolding, the on-going border crisis, and the surging crime in America’s Democrat-run cities due to the “defund the police” movement. This new dynamic will force cities to re-prioritize and re-fund police in America.

With multiple crisis happening in America local law enforcement professionals will now be on the front lines of multiple battles. Outgoing Border Patrol Chief said that “suspected terrorists are crossing the border at a level never seen before.” Retiring Chief Rodney Scott also stated that “this is a national security crisis and allows cover for smuggling, human trafficking, and terrorists at a level not previously seen before.”

Discussion Points:

  • What do you see as major security risks in America right now?
    • Afghanistan’s fluid situation,
    • A wide-open southern border – massive illegal presence and we do not know who they are,
    • Demoralized and de-funded police in America’s Top 25 cities.
  • Does the situation in Afghanistan put us back to pre-9/11 vulnerabilities in America?
  • Will the Biden administration’s bungle in Afghanistan put the nail in the “de-fund the police” coffin?
  • You are an Army veteran with experience overseas, share with us why America’s national security needs to take a more local approach?
  • What would you recommend to law enforcement leaders around the country to help them be more aware of potential threats?
  • Do you believe as Democrat-run cities see that crime in major cities is a top issue for voters will re-fund the police?

GUEST: Michael A Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bullet-proof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.  


CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 tamara@ohsweetliberty.com or Celinda Hawkins at cemison@gmail.com.

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