Special Guests

Interview op’ w. Thomas Creal, Lead Forensic Accountant from Task Force 2010 in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: What happened? What’s next?


The world watches and wonders what just happened in Afghanistan. But more so, we are asking, what’s next? And can anything be done to salvage something from the trillion dollars spent and thousands of lives lost? Our expert guest on Afghanistan is Thomas Creal is a former United Nations expert for the war crimes in Liberia and the former lead forensic accountant at Task Force 2010 in Afghanistan. He was in Kabul for 2 straight years (2010-2012) focused on attacking the funding sources of the Taliban and other terrorist networks. Noteworthy is that The Hunter Group, led by Thomas Creal, seized nearly $2 billion dollars in assets of terrorists since 2010. Welcome Tom Creal.

Q&A/Talking points:

  1. Knowing the landscape firsthand, you have unique insight on what is going on in Afghanistan. What is your view?

Answer: It is time to send in the forensic accountants. The Afghans I worked with and still help over the past decade are very smart, tech-savvy, and hate terrorism, violence, and the Taliban! In 2011 we had the Taliban on their heels begging for money. Since they are still on the UN Sanctions List, PLUS committing other crimes, we should go after their funding big time.

  • Is this too late? The Taliban has now taken control of the government.

Answer: No. What we did 10 years ago can be done again, but only better – we have more tools now and they are bigger and better than ever. Yes, it would be easier if we were in Kabul, but we can take action against their funding sources in the USA and other countries – the model was laid out in 2011. The bottom line is we will always have eyes on their country.

  • What are these tools –

Answer: More social media platforms and more widely used; Artificial Intelligence; a digital investigator called PopUps; a robust gaming industry – including the game I developed called Black Money Games – and there is tons of information in the public domain). All can be used to fight black money.

We can use the civil courts for legal actions against funders of the Taliban, as Aiders & Abettors – a lawsuit was recently filed against big banks for their correspondent role with Afghan black money. We can always refer our evidence to the UN for their use with the Taliban 1988 Sanctions List – the list still exists and requires all countries to immediately freeze the assets of those that fund the people and entities on the List.

We actually don’t need governments to lead. All we need are victims, funding and evidence. The real power is in the hands of the people – it is true here too.

  • You sound like you have been preparing for this day – are you going back?

Answer: 100% ready and 100% going forward with my team and the Afghans I have worked with and trust. Our goal is to finish the job we started and that is to bankrupt the Taliban.

  • You have a Black Money Game that teaches some of what we have discussed. Tell us more about that.
    Answer Brief answer on game with address to find it: https://www.BlackMoneyGames.com/
  • Where may we get your game and get more information on you and your work?


About Thomas Creal:

Thomas Creal is a former United Nations expert for the war crimes in Liberia and the former lead forensic accountant at Task Force 2010 in Afghanistan. He was in Kabul for 2 straight years (2010-2012) focused on attacking the funding sources of the Taliban and other terrorist networks. Thomas is also the developer of the Black Moneys, interactive games that allow players to enter locations across the globe, searching for evidence no matter what stands in the way, navigating through real life war zones and the corporate world to document the proof you need to bring these warlords down.

CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins at cemison@gmail.com or (432) 349 –2736 or Samantha Mao at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com.

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