Special Guests

TOPIC: Teen Mental Health Post-COVID Should Be a High Priority


“Teen mental health continues to be a significant topic of discussion particularly in light of Covid. We continue to see a rise in anxiety and depression due to the uncertainty with how Covid is affecting people.” Dr. Dan O’Brien, physician and public health expert.

A new study published in the Journal of Research on Adolescence shows that teens who found positive support through online interactions, such as catching up with friends, relatives, and schoolmates reported less loneliness. These new findings challenge a 2020 assumption that pandemic distancing measures, combined with excessive social media use, are a recipe for loneliness in teens. This study shows it is especially true when teens have no other option but to connect with friends online.

Part of the regression with depression and anxiety has included teens actually sleeping in their parents beds. Parents are providing details that the pandemic and continuing back-and-forth of Covid mandates and negativity in society makes an unrestful environment for teens. ABC News reported one parent as saying, “That closeness to us as parents give them some peace of mind and some sureness in their day.”

Parental engagement is one of the most important factors in creating stability and positivity in the home with children—including teens.” Dr. Dan O’Brien.

Discussion Points:

  • How relevant is mental health for teens right now?
  • How is social media affecting teens positively and negatively?
  • What can parents do to re-assure their children, especially teens during this post-pandemic time?
  • Is sports a way to decrease anxiety and depression? Is it better than just spending endless hours on social media?
  • Kids need productivity to feel good about themselves, can you share some tips for parents?
  • Your book, Camel Resilience discusses mental health, share something with us?

GUEST:Dr. Dan O’Brien is a physician, public health expert, business-savvy consultant, researcher, podcaster, and author. Business leaders look to Dr. Dan is a “next generation” health and business expert, and makes critical decisions based on his insights and perspectives.

Dr. Dan brings cutting edge experience in research, academic teaching, scientific writing, new product launch, medical presentations and clinical work. What makes Dr. Dan different is his ability to evaluate critical issues and devise solutions using both a medical and business mindset. Executives are able to leverage his multi-dimensional expertise to make the right choices, solve problems quickly and deliver the best outcomes.

MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Colbert, e: tamara@ohsweetliberty.com, c: 626-244-5571 or

Celinda Hawkins cemison@gmail.com.

ALL GUESTS and TOPICS:https://SpecialGuests.com/guests-topics/

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