Special Guests

TOPIC: Israel’s Imminent New Government with Naphtali Bennett being a possible Prime Minister with or without a power sharing arrangement with Netanyahu.

And, time permitting, a discussion of Mayor Rubin’s NEW BOOK – Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel

GUEST: David Rubin, native New Yorker and former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and author of the brand-new book, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel. Available for purchase on Amazon.

AVAILABILITY: New York City on Wednesday, May 5th or via phone or Zoom thereafter.

The growing surge in radicalism in America began in the spring of 2020 starting with the Portland Antifa riots—and has not let up. The small, but vocal radical element in American society is capitalizing on everything that can be politicized from race to police shootings to states strengthening election laws. Along the way, communities—and minority owned business, have been decimated in some of the nation’s largest cities.

Radicalism, the rising tide of socialism, and capitulating to America’s enemies has been embraced by the Democrat party and the current Biden Administration. Chaos and anarchy will gradually morph into totalitarianism taking away individual rights and freedoms.

In his new book, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel, David Rubin discusses the danger of the radical left in America and what we can learn from the Israeli experience.

David Rubin can discuss the likely new Prime Minister of Israel, as well as these topics:

  • Will Netanyahu agree to a power sharing arrangement with Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett?
  • Israel has been thriving economically under Netanyahu’s leadership – how will this new proposed power sharing arrangement with Naphtali Bennett impact Israel and the US?
  • How will this affect the Israel – America relationship?
  • What about the reality of the Iran threat to Israel now with John Kerry’s backroom discussions with them and the appearance of the Biden Administration’s willingness to give them everything they want?
  • Socialism and totalitarianism always leads to suffering and dying—why is the American left obsessed with it?
  • Why is the term “democratic socialism” deceptive in what it does to destroy and dismantle a thriving economic system?
  • How has Israel handled this?
  • Plus Mayor Rubin’s new book: Confronting Radicals: What America can learn from Israel.

BIO: David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of the new book, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack.

Websites: www.DavidRubinIsrael.com or www.ShilohIsraelChildren.org  

MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Colbert, e: tamara@ohsweetliberty.com, c: 626.244.5571 or Jerry McGlothlin jerry@specialguests.com

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