Special Guests

TOPIC: Biden Surrenders (Again) as ATF Agents Help Sink ATF Nominee David Chipman

Buzz around the nations capitol is that the Biden White House will withdraw its nomination of radical gun control activist David Shipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. CBS news is reporting through anonymous sources that there are concerns on both sides of the aisle about Shipman’s past gun control advocacy and lobbying.

In a recent interview Shipman labeled gun-owners as “tiger-kings” who need to hide their guns behind their “tuna and beef jerky” in their cabinets. It is not statements like this that make him the most radical ATF nominee in history, but that ATF agents are urging the Senate not to confirm him.

“With the America’s recent showing on the world stage against the Taliban, maintaining American citizens Second Amendment rights is more vital than ever. Rogue comments, radical actions not only raised concerns by gun advocates like Gun Owners of America, but ATF agents who do not believe he is fit to lead the agency.” Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President, Gun Owners of America.

This summer House Republicans campaigned against this ATF nominee vehemently, along with Gun Owners of America. He was also opposed by 20 Republican Attorney’s General over his views on weapons, lobbying, and ties to anti-gun groups.  As a lobbyist for Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety” and later with the Gaby Giffords Law Center, Chipman has spent his career working against the constitutionally protected rights of gun-owners.

Learn more about David Chipman in GOA’s ‘Minute Man Minute.’

Gun Owners of America, and its sister organization Gun Owners Foundation, are nonprofits dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.

INTERVIEW GUEST: Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President, Gun Owners of America or Michael Hammond, Legal Counsel for Gun Owners of America


MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Colbert, e: tamara@ohsweetliberty.com, c: 626-244-5571 or

Celinda Hawkins: (432) 349-2736 cemison@gmail.com.


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