Special Guests

Demystifying Credit: Interview guest Credit Expert Stacy Notley

While politicians raise the debt ceiling, push our national debt to unimaginable heights, and argue over erasing student loans, Stacy Notley helps people in credit crisis find solid ground and build a better financial future for themselves.  As president of the Manning Group (credit and debt management), Stacy Notley draws upon decades of experience helping individuals, couples, and businesses establish and maintain personal credit. In a country swimming in monetary mismanagement, Stacy Notley serves as a voice of financial reason for those floundering in debt and bad credit.

Interview Questions:

  1. Discuss the impact on credit ratings of revolving accounts vs. installment accounts.
  2. What’s the ideal number of revolving accounts for a married couple to maintain a “Good” to “Excellent” Credit Rating?
  3. When making online and travel purchases, explain the benefit or consequences of using credit cards vs. debit cards?
  4. Share how one’s credit report is like their car, truck, or SUV.
  5. What’s the impact on credit ratings from having more than five credit cards or less than five?
  6. What’s the best way for people to reach you to start their journey to better financial health?

Stacy Notley is the president of The Manning Group – a family-owned company that’s helped clients enhance their credit ratings and establish a healthier financial future since 1983.


CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins: (432) 349-2736 cemison@gmail.com or Samantha Mao at samanthaspecialguests@gmail.com.


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